Meeting documents

Venue: Council Chamber, King George V House, King George V Road, Amersham

Contact: Mathew Bloxham  01494 732143; email:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 33 KB

To approve as a correct record and to sign the Minutes of the Ordinary and Annual meetings of Council held on 27 May 2015.

Additional documents:


Following the opening prayer, the Chairman asked that a minute’s silence be observed for former Councillor Charles Goodwyn and Honorary Alderman who had passed away.


The Minutes of the meetings of Ordinary Council and Annual Council held on 27 May 2015 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.




To receive any announcements from the Chairman, Cabinet Leader or the Head of Paid Service.


(a)       Chairman’s Engagements


A list of Engagements carried out by the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council between 28 May and 14 July was circulated with the Agenda.


(b)       Chairman’s Announcements


Members were advised that the Chief Constable would be presenting to Members at the next Council meeting on 8 September. Members were kindly asked to send any questions in advance to:


Members would also receive a presentation from the Area Manager of South Central Ambulance Service at the Council meeting on 3 November.


The Chairman advised that this year national Playday was on Wednesday 5 August. Playday is a celebration of children's right to play, and a campaign that highlights the importance of play in children's lives.


This year Silver Sunday, an annual day of fun and free activities for older people across the UK, would take place on 4 October. Members interested in organising an event in their ward should contact Councillor Harker for more information.


(c) Announcements from the Leader of the Cabinet


The Leader of the Cabinet had no announcements to make.


(d) Announcements from the Head of Paid Service


The Acting Chief Executive reminded Members that this was the first meeting where the new Council Procedure Rules, agreed by Council on 25 February 2015, came into force. Council recommendations would now be considered by Council as a specific report in order to facilitate effective debate.


(e) Petitions


No petitions were submitted.



Presentation: Chiltern Citizens Advice Bureau


Jennifer Allott, District Manager of Chiltern Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), gave a presentation to Members on the following main areas:


·         Overview of CAB Services in Chiltern

·         Summary of projects being delivered

·         Impact of the CAB work on clients

·         Statistics showing the type of client issues

·         Case studies

·         Future service developments

·         Funding


The Chairman then invited questions from Members. In response to a question from the Chairman it was noted that Council funding remained crucial to the CAB, but other non-financial help, such as accommodation for outreach work, promoting volunteering and building partnerships with other organisation also helped support the CAB.


In response to a question regarding a future funding strategy the District Manager advised that the funding received from the Council was crucial, but the CAB also received funding from multiple partners. This included the L&Q Foundation, national CAB, charitable trusts and Paradigm Housing. The CAB was also looking to expand funding from other housing providers. Lottery grant funding had also supported the work of the CAB.


Following a question about volunteering it was noted that the CAB welcomed all volunteers, but was particularly keen to attract younger persons, and was doing more to target those individuals.


The Chairman thanked the District Manager for the useful presentation. Members were invited to contact the District Manager for any further information. Ward level reports were available on request.




That the presentation be noted.



Reports and Recommendations from Committees of the Council


There were no reports or recommendations from Committees of the Council.



Housing Community Organisations Budget - Housing Interaction Trust pdf icon PDF 75 KB


Councillor G Harris introduced the report. The Housing Interaction Trust supported the delivery of housing advice, provided support and homelessness prevention services for young people in Chiltern. There had been a significant increase in demand for this service over the last year. The benefit provided by the Trust far outweighed the cost of the proposed grant. The Council would face a significant cost as a result of the increased need for temporary accommodation in particular, such as bed and breakfast placements, if the Trust’s services were no longer provided.


Councillor J Burton endorsed the report and added that as a direct result of the Trust’s work none of their clients subsequently made a homelessness application during the year.


It was moved by Councillor G Harris and seconded by Councillor J Burton, and




That the Council issues a grant of £40,000 to Housing Interaction Trust to support and maintain the Trust’s work in Chiltern District Council in 2015/16 of which £10,000 to be applied from the Homelessness Reserve.



Cabinet Reports

To receive and consider reports from the Cabinet Leader, Cabinet Members or Chairman of a Committee and receive questions and answers on any of those reports in accordance with Rule 9.1 of the Procedural Rules.


a) Councillor N Rose - HS2


Councillor N Rose praised the local action groups for the positive turnout and enthusiasm at the Select Committee site visits held on the 11 and 22 June. Thanks were also expressed to those involved in the presentations, in particular St Mary’s Church, Wendover and Little Missenden Church. Community engagement events had also taken place across the district which provided useful information to organisations wishing to present a petition. Thanks were expressed to the officer team who supported the events. An update was also provided on the tunnel route options being explored. The Council’s preferred option was the Chilterns long tunnel. Following the elections there were three new Select Committee Members: Geoffrey Clifton-Brown; David Crausby; and Mark Hendrick.


Councillor I Darby expressed particular thanks to the Council’s own officer team: Ifath Nawaz, Rachel Prance, Ben Coakley and Steve Braund who had supported the community groups on petitioning and continued to work hard on HS2 issues facing the district. The action groups were also congratulated on the cases they had made to the Select Committee. The Chairman endorsed the gratitude expressed and extended thanks to all Councillors involved with the action groups.


Councillor Berry urged Members to keep a look out for an announcement from the Select Committee as early as the following week. Councillor Rose added that this was likely to be on 22 July, and that the Select Committee had now published the timetable for organisations presenting their petitions in September and October.


b) Councillor P Martin - Sustainable Development


Councillor P Martin referred to the changes in planning and was pleased to report that the Council remained on target or ahead of target on planning performance.


c) Councillor G Harris - Community, Health & Housing


Councillor G Harris advised that a Community Cards competition had been held involving 35 schools across Chiltern. The scheme encouraged children in year 6 to get involved with activities in their community and raised awareness of community safety issues. The Curzon Church of England Combined School in Penn won a trip to Legoland Windsor Resort.


A free Family Fun Day would be held on Wednesday 5 August, 11am to 3pm, at King George V Playing Fields, Amersham. A range of activities would be available, and everyone was welcome to come along.




To receive questions and answers of the Cabinet Leader, Cabinet Members or Chairman of a Committee (if any) in accordance with Rule 9.2 of the Council Procedure Rules.


No questions had been received.



Questions Without Notice

To receive questions without notice from any Member of the Council to the Cabinet Leader, Cabinet Members or Chairman of a Committee (if any) in accordance with Rule 9.1 of the Council Procedure Rules.



There were no questions without notice.



Petitions and Deputations

To receive petitions and/or deputations (if any) from members of the public including provisions allowing members to ask questions of clarification at the discretion of the Chairman and restrictions on deputations covering the same subject or by the same speakers.


There were no petitions or deputations.



Joint Arrangements and Outside Organisations

To receive reports about and receive questions and answers relating to any joint arrangements or external organisations.


There were no reports.


Councillor Darby advised that all outside bodies had been notified of the Council’s appointments and Members were invited to report back under this item at future meetings.





No Motions had been received.