Meeting documents

Venue: Chiltern District Council, King George V House, King George V Road, Amersham

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 45 KB

To agree the Part 1 and Part 2 Minutes of the meeting held on 17 May 2012.


The minutes of the meeting of the Joint Committee held on 17 May 2012 were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Programme of Report pdf icon PDF 57 KB

To receive the latest Programme Report.


The Committee received the latest Programme Report. After noting the progress on completing the milestones, the latest budget position, and the risk report, the Joint Committee


RESOLVED that the report be noted.


Exclusion of Public

The Chairman to move the following resolution:-


"that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act."


RESOLVED  - that under section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that they involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Shared Services - Draft Outline Programme: June to September 2012


Chiltern District Council and South Bucks District Council had agreed to enter into a joint project to share management as a means of improving the resilience and quality of services, and to reduce costs.


The Joint Committee received a report outlining progress so far, and setting out a draft timetable for a series of workshops culminating with phase 2 (shared services) being formally initiated in late September 2012.


Regarding the three unfilled Head of Service posts, it was intended to interview candidates for the Head of Legal and Democratic Services in early September.  Discussions remained ongoing regarding the Head of Business Support, and the Head of Customer Services; it was expected that this situation would be resolved by the end of September.


The Joint Committee acknowledged the importance of keeping non-Cabinet Members involved and aware of progress.  The proposed All Member Workshop in September was considered a positive way for all Members to understand: the progress so far, the planned service reviews, and the ways that they would be able to engage in the process.


Regarding the Confidential Background Survey, it was noted that Members would be sent an electronic copy for completion for the next meeting.


RESOLVED – that the report be noted and the proposed outline programme be agreed.


Procurement Consultants for Phase 2 Shared Service Reviews


Phase two of the programme, due to begin in September 2012, involved conducting reviews to develop shared services.  To support these reviews Chiltern and South Bucks District Councils had invited consultants to make proposals to support the initial reviews, with possible run on support for subsequent reviews if needed.


The Joint Committee considered the proposals received which had been evaluated based on the Governments Procurement Service criteria of 70% quality and 30% cost.  The analysis of the proposals and the total percentage scores were detailed in an Appendix.  The Chief Executive proceeded to highlight the key differences between the bids.


It was suggested that Andy Holder from aha Consulting could be utilised as an alternative.  However it acknowledged that a different skill-set was required and that Andy Holder was focussing on the Member-Officer interface.


After noting that the recommendation to have further discussions with two of the bidders would not impact on the timetable for phase 2, it was




1.         That AMTEC Charteris and Serco Alexander be invited for a further round of discussion.


2.         That the remaining two firms be deselected.


3.         That the final decision be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leaders.


Dates of Future Meetings

The next meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday 19 July at 5.00 pm at South Bucks District Council.


The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday 19 July at 5pm, at South Bucks District Council.  It was noted that this meeting would likely be a Workshop.  A further pattern of meetings would need to be agreed in the autumn.