Meeting documents

Venue: Room 6, Capswood, Oxford Road, Denham. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 

Note: This Policy Advisory Group is not open to the public 

No. Item


Briefing on the Role of the Environment PAG

To receive a presentation from the Head of Environment



Members received a PowerPoint presentation on the role of the PAG and the services covered by the Environment Portfolio Holder. Members noted that a copy of the presentation would be made available in the Councillors Area on the extranet.


The presentation covered the following areas:

·        Refuse, Recycling, Street Cleaning and Ancillary Services

·        Environmental Work, Street Naming and Community Right to Bid

·        Pay & Display Car Parks


Members were given the opportunity to ask questions and make comments after each section.


RESOLVED that the presentation be noted.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 88 KB

To receive the minutes of the meeting of the PAG held on 18 February 2015


The minutes of the meeting of the PAG held on 18 February 2015 were received.


Reports from Members

To consider any reports/updates from the Portfolio Holder or Members on Outside Bodies


None received.


Current Issues

The Portfolio Holder and Head of Service to update members on Part 1 current issues relating to the PAG and to receive feedback from members.



The Portfolio Holder advised that there was a vacancy on the following bodies:

·        The Joint Waste Committee for Buckinghamshire

·        The Performance and Improvement Board with BIFFA


Members of the PAG were invited to contact the Portfolio Holder if they were interested in any of the above vacancies.



Reports Likely to Lead to Portfolio Holder making a Decision in Accordance with the Scheme of Delegations to Cabinet Members




Reports Likely to Lead the Portfolio Holder making a Recommendation to Cabinet


Littleworth Common Ownership Update pdf icon PDF 88 KB

To consider report of the Portfolio Holder.



The PAG considered a report which updated Members on negotiations about the ownership of Littleworth Common and the proposed transfer of the site to South Bucks District Council.  


The PAG were asked to advise the Portfolio Holder on whether to recommend to Cabinet that provided the owner can transfer sufficient title to enable the Council to access available grant funding, that the Cabinet agrees the transfer of Littleworth Common to the Council and delegates final agreement of the transfer terms to the Head of Environment in consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services.


In the discussion which followed, the PAG were advised that the Council was legally responsible for managing the land due to a management agreement which the Council was legally bound to.


Due to the fact that the land was not registered with HM Land Registry and that the owners had not to date been able to provide officers with documentary evidence of their title, the PAG were of the opinion that any recommendation to Cabinet should be deferred until further work can be carried out to establish the formal proof of ownership and adequacy of title that can be transferred.  The PAG also asked for more information on how much it would cost per year to maintain the car park.


Having considered the advice of the PAG, the Portfolio Holder agreed to defer a recommendation to Cabinet.



Recycling Update pdf icon PDF 92 KB

To consider report of the Portfolio Holder.


The PAG considered a report which updated Members on a number of key aspects of the Waste and Recycling Collection Service.  The PAG were asked to advise the Portfolio Holder on whether to recommend that Cabinet supports the trialling changes to Bulky Waste Collections.


The PAG noted that the trial would seek to increase the amount of bulky waste that is re-used or recycled and thus reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill. The benefits were set out in the report as follows;

  • Contribute to increasing the Councils Recycling Rate.
  • Increase the availability of affordable second hand furniture for residents.
  • Reduced wear and tear on collection vehicles from reduced trips to the landfill site.
  • Reduction in travel distance and times once Energy from Waste plant comes on line as all waste for disposal will need to go to a specified transfer station.
  • Minimal impact on residents, there should be no changes to how residents book and pay for bulky waste collections.


In the discussion which followed, the PAG indicated it support for the trial. 


Having considered the advice of the PAG, the Portfolio Holder AGREED to RECOMMEND that Cabinet agrees to support the trialling changes to Bulky Waste Collections.



Summers Road Car Park pdf icon PDF 153 KB

To consider report of the Portfolio Holder.


Cllr Hazell declared an interest as a Burnham Parish Councillor.


The PAG received a report which sought Members views on a request received from Burnham Parish Council for the provision of one hour free parking at the Summers Road car park.


The PAG were advised that there was currently no free parking periods in the Council car parks, but that previous discussions had indicated that the Council may consider this if the loss of income was reimbursed. Appendix A of the report set out the proposal from the Parish Council which had yet to be discussed/agreed by officers.


The PAG noted the key points, set out in paragraph 2.5 of the report, which any agreement from South Bucks District Council’s point would need to have regard to.


In the discussion which followed, the PAG advised that any loss of income would also need to cover the loss of income from any other types of tickets sales and that the Parish Council should be made aware that if ticket sales from other types of tickets goes down, the Parish Council would be liable for covering the loss of income. 


The PAG raised a concern regarding the difficulties in enforcement which the introduction of the one hour free parking could bring about and advised that this issue should also be brought to the Parish Council’s attention.


The PAG, whilst supportive of the proposal to continue negotiations with the Parish Council, were of the opinion that due to the unknown impact on tickets sales and the issue of enforcement, the scheme should be trialled for a year and then reviewed.


The PAG noted that this issue had also been considered by the Resources PAG who were supportive of the proposal to continue negotiations with the Parish Council.


The PAG were advised that a report would be submitted to Cabinet for the final decision following negotiations.



Reports for Noting


Flytipping and Enforcement Update pdf icon PDF 595 KB

To consider report of the Portfolio Holder.


The PAG received a report which provided members with an update on the 2014/15 flytipping enforcement programme. The report covered the flytipping and enforcement highlights of the financial year 2014–2015 including the recorded number of flytips and the number of convictions made by South Bucks District Council.


In the discussion which followed, it was noted that whilst there had not been a big increase in hazardous materials being dumped in 2014/15, there had been a sharp increase in the number of tyres dumped in the District recently. In response to a request, the Head of Environment agreed to email PAG members the number of vehicles seized following a conviction over the last few years.  The Head of Environment also agreed to look at the layby in Taplow, before the bridge, on the A4 following a comment by a member of the PAG that rubbish had been dumped there.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.



Any other business

Any other business which the Portfolio Holder considers is urgent.




Exempt Information

To note the following item(s) contain exempt information, which is not for publication to the press or public.


Current Issues (Part II)

The Portfolio Holder and Head of Service to update members on Part II current issues relating to the PAG and to receive feedback from members.


There were no current issues raised under part II.