Meeting documents

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Contact: Democratic Services 

Note: This Policy Advisory Group is not open to the public 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 72 KB

To receive the minutes of the meeting of the PAG held on 15 October 2014.


The minutes of the meeting of the PAG held on 15 October 2014 were received.


Matters Arising


Parking Standards

The Portfolio Holder asked if any response had been received from the County Council regarding the PAG’s concerns highlighted in the response to the consultation.  The Head of Sustainable Development confirmed no response had been received from the County Council.


Portfolio Budgets 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 256 KB

To consider report of the Director of Resources.


The PAG considered a report seeking approval for the draft revenue budget and fees and charges schedule for 2015/16 for the Sustainable Development Portfolio. 


The report outlined the context of the overall financial position facing the Council for the coming year confirmed that in light of the uncertain external funding position for the Council, the Cabinet has decided that that there would be no discretionary growth allowed in the draft budgets.


In considering the report the PAG particularly noted the following


·         The need to identify savings to contain expenditure within budget;

·         The benefits of joint working with Chiltern District Council as indicated in paragraph 6.4 of the report;

·         That when the additional costs of the Local Development Framework which are funded by earmarked reserves are excluded the underlying budget showed a reduction on the 2014/15 budget.


Members requested that in future the budget papers should show the proportion of FTE for each part time member of staff.


Members also requested that further consideration be given as to whether or not it was possible to increase the charges for pre-application advice whilst still reflecting actual costs.


After questions and answers about detailed items in the budget, the PAG agreed to advise the Portfolio Holder to approve the draft revenue budget and fees and charges schedule for 2015/16 for submission to the Cabinet.


Having considered the advice of the PAG, the Portfolio Holder has APPROVED for submission to the Cabinet


1.    The 2015/16 revenue budget of £748,000

2.    The 2015/16 fees and charges



Exempt Information

To note the following item(s) contain exempt information, which is not for publication to the press or public.


That under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the following items of business not for publication to the press or public on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of the Schedule 12A of the Act.


HS2 Update

To consider report of the Director of Services.


(Schedule 12 A Part 1 (para 5) – Information in respect of which a claim of legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings)


The PAG considered a report providing an update with regard to the petition issues relating to the Colne Valley and set out in detail in paragraph 3.8.  The following two options for progressing the Council’s objections were considered:


·       Option A - Presentation of evidence by a professional witness(es) to the Select Committee, on the Council's behalf. 

·      Option B - Work in partnership with, but letting the Colne Valley CIC and/or others take the lead in the preparation and presentation of evidence to the Select Committee. 


Members agreed that opposition to HS2 should be pursued and the PAG indicated its support for Option B.  However, mindful of the need for costs to be shared fairly and proportionately by Councils affected by HS2, the PAG sought clarification on the number of Council financially contributing to The Colne Valley Community Interest Company (CIC). 


After careful consideration, the PAG ADVISED the Portfolio Holder to RECOMMEND to Cabinet and Council to continue to work in partnership with the Colne Valley CIC and others in accordance with Option B, and to agree additional funding from reserves to enable this course of action to be pursued.


Any other business

Any other business which the Portfolio Holder considers is urgent.


Date of Next Meeting


Members were advised of an additional meeting to be held on 22 January 2015 and also a change of date to the February meeting, which would now be held on the 25February 2015.