Meeting documents

Venue: Room 5, Capswood, Oxford Road, Denham

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 111 KB

To receive the minutes of the meeting of the PAG held on 22 January 2015


The minutes of the meeting of the PAG held on 22 January 2015 were received.


In connection with minute 21, the PAG was advised that following an appeal decision dated 12 February 2015 relating to the Inn on the Green site in Denham it had been concluded that requests for overage payments were not in accordance with the relevant National Planning Policy Guidance or legislation and could not therefore be made.


The PAG was also advised that Planning Practice Guidance issued in November 2014 had clarified that payments agreed as part of developments may not be paid upfront but should be commuted until after completion of the units within the development resulting in the need to impose a timescale for completion.



Waste Management Planning Guidance pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To consider report of the Director of Services.


The PAG received a report explaining that there have been instances in the past where new developments have been completed but the inadequate provision for waste storage and collection had resulted in access and collection issues, placing additional strain on collection resources.


The report went on to set out a proposal for the document "Waste Management Design Guide" currently used by the Environment Team only to be made available  to the Development Management Team and prospective applicants so that due regard is given to waste storage and collection arrangements when preparing applications.


The PAG supported the proposal subject to the paragraph relating to Storage Facilities in Section 2.3 of the Guidelines being amended to include preventing nuisance from animals and the need to have regard to the safety of collection crews when designing the facilities.


Having considered the advice of the PAG, the Portfolio Holder has AGREED to RECOMMEND to Cabinet that the Waste Management Design Guide attached to the report be adopted subject to the amendment above. 




Wilton Park Development Brief Supplementary Planning Document pdf icon PDF 158 KB

To consider report of the Director of Services.




The PAG considered a report which amongst other things:


·         gave feedback on the formal public consultation on the draft Wilton Park Development Brief Supplementary Planning Document which took place between 17 January 2014 and 28 February 2014; and

·         outlined the changes made to the Supplementary Planning Document and supporting documents following the consultation.


The following appendices were circulated with the report:


  • Wilton Park Development Brief SPD;
  • Public Consultation Statement Update; and
  • Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) Update for Burnham Beeches Special Area of Conservation


The PAG noted that in order to make the report consistent with the information provided in the SPD paragraph 4.9 iii should be amended as follows:


"Clarification that Minerva Way also provides vehicle access to a fishing pond immediately to the north of the cricket ground":


After explaining the methods used for carrying out the consultation on the Brief the report went on to:


·         Describe the purpose, scope and status of the brief;

·         Identify in a table  the main issues raised in the 204 consultation responses together with the changes made (if any) to the SPD in response to the comments;

·         Outline the other changes that had been made in terms of factual updates and correcting inaccuracies;

·         Explain that the Habitats Regulation Assessment Screening that had been carried out to assess the potential effects of the redevelopment on the Burnham Beeches Special Area of Conservation had been updated to reflect recently completed technical work on the Beeches;

·         Identify the updates made to the Public Consultation Statement; and

·         Set out the next steps.


The PAG was very pleased to note that the responses received had been in general supportive of the brief which was a reflection of the positive support that had been provided by officers in Planning Policy.


During the discussion it was emphasised that a number of issues e.g. community uses and long term funding and management arrangements to support community facilities and open space would become clearer as the proposals progressed and detailed applications were submitted.


A discussion also took place on the implications of vacant building credits (which could impact on the amount of affordable housing provided by the development) and the extent to which they will apply to the redevelopment given most of the existing buildings on the site could be deemed to be "abandoned" and therefore not attracting such credits under the National Planning Policy Guidance.


Having considered the advice of the PAG, which supported the SPD, the Portfolio Holder AGREED to RECOMMEND to Cabinet that the Wilton Park Development Brief Supplementary Planning Document be adopted and authority be delegated to the Head of Sustainable Development, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, to agree any further amendments.



Bucks CC Replacement Minerals and Waste Local Plan Regulation 18 Consultation pdf icon PDF 119 KB

To consider report of the Director of Services.


The Regulation 18 consultation on a Replacement Minerals and Waste Plan setting out draft policies and site allocations was started by Bucks County Council on 19 February and the PAG considered a report providing in an appendix a suggested response to the consultation questions for submission to the County by the end of the consultation period of 5pm on 2 April.


After explaining the consultation process the report went on to identify:


·          the sites in the district with planning permission for mineral extraction;

·         the implications of infrastructure projects on the demand for aggregates;

·          sites in the district with planning permission for sand and gravel production; and

·         Other sites in the District affected by current designations in the Minerals and Waste Plan; and

·         Arrangements for waste disposal


During the discussion the PAG supported the proposal of the Portfolio Holder to strengthen the response by emphasising


·         the effects of lorry movements on the District and the certainty that these will increase significantly in the light of local/nearby constructions projects (HS2. Western Rail Access and Heathrow expansion) which will require aggregates; and


·         the need for the County to identify extraction sites in other Districts to relieve the pressure in South Bucks


Having considered the comments of the PAG, the Portfolio Holder has APPROVED the response for submission to Bucks County Council based on the report and subject to inclusion of the points referred to above.



Any other business

Any other business which the Portfolio Holder considers is urgent.


As this was the last meeting of the PAG before the District Elections, the Portfolio Holder wished to thank members of his PAG, Mrs Cranmer and Mrs Woolveridge (both of whom had frequently attended meetings as non-members)   and officers from the Planning Policy Section for their support and positive contributions over the past four years.


Exempt Information

To note the following item(s) contain exempt information, which is not for publication to the press or public.


"That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 following item of business is not for publication to the press or public on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act."





HS2 - Colne Valley issues

To consider report of the Director of Services.


(Para 3 and 5 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)/information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings)


The PAG considered a report providing an update on the latest issues with regard to the HS2 petition relating to the Colne Valley including an indication of costs.