Meeting documents

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Jemma Durkan, 01494 421635, Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors M Asif, S Graham and M Hanif.




Declarations of Interest

To receive any disclosure of disclosable pecuniary interests by Members relating to items on the agenda. If any Member is uncertain as to whether an interest should be disclosed, he or she is asked if possible to contact the District Solicitor prior to the meeting.

Members are reminded that if they are declaring an interest, they should state the nature of that interest whether or not they are required to withdraw from the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.




Minutes of the Previous Meeting

To confirm the minutes of the Committee held on 19 January 2016.

Supporting documents:


It was noted that regarding minute 30 Councillor M Hashmi was the Chairman and Councillor R Raja was the Honorary Secretary of the Self Help Bereavement Society.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on the 19 January 2016 be agreed, subject to the amendments referred to above being made..




Update on the Market

Supporting documents:


The Committee welcomed Charles Brocklehurst, Major Projects and Estates Executive to the meeting who gave an update on the High Wycombe Market.


The Committee were informed that proposals were being considered for a new way of working at the market.  As the existing stalls were difficult and time consuming to set up work had been undertaken to consider options for the future.  The current proposals included an option to provide new gazebos which were lighter to transport and provide a more uniform look to the market.  The alternative option would be for a majority of traders to provide their own equipment with stalls provided for one-off traders.  This option however would still require some forklift movement and would impact on the look of the market.During the discussion the Committee expressed concern that the look of the market would be compromised. It was suggested that a themed market could be considered.  However the Major Projects and Estates Executive responded that the type of market stalls was a result of public demand and there were no plans to provide themed market days.


He also informed the Committee of proposals to make Little Market House a more usable space by using structural glazing without compromising the fabric of the building.  Initial ideas for this space could include a coffee shop or food court.  Members were concerned that there could be damage to the flooring or structure of the building but were reassured that these factors would be taken into account.


The Committee also received a draft proposal on changes to be made to the Guildhall under croft to create a lighter, brighter space.  A semi-permanent installation could be considered providing a properly lit, attractive space which could be used to house the fruit and vegetable stall.  Members were also provided with an update on the 4-5 Church Street  retail property refurbishment project currently being undertaken.  They were supportive of the proposal for sitting-out space opposite the property but pointed out the ‘no alcohol’ regulations.


Members thanked the Major Projects and Estates Executive for his presentation.


RESOLVED:   That the Committee supports the option to replace the existing market infrastructure with new ‘gazebos’.




Presentation on the High Wycombe Town Centre Masterplan


John Callaghan, Team Leader (Environment and Infrastructure) provided a detailed update on the High Wycombe Town Centre Masterplan.  The update included information on work already undertaken and proposed improvements to the highways infrastructure, public realm and opportunities to remake the River Wye through sections of the town centre.


The presentation covered the masterplan vision for High Wycombe town centre; progress on the implementation of the Alternative Route; Paul’s Row / St Mary’s Street improvements; Frogmoor improvements; and work to create opportunities to enjoy the River Wye.


The Committee heard that the vision for the town centre aimed to create a thriving economic centre; a focus for investments; a more pedestrian friendly town centre less dominated by roads and more connected; to create high quality public spaces; and create a feature of the River Wye.


In discussion Members welcomed the improvements, that had been put in place and those that were being proposed, particularly those that supported the future remaking of the river Wye in the town centre. They were provided with responses to various detailed questions.  Members heard that the changes being promoted protect the opportunity for further changes in the longer term that could include the closure of Abbey Way flyover and removal of the flyover ramps – if this were deemed practicable and appropriate in the future. .


Members thanked the officer for his presentation.


(Any member wishing to receive a copy of the detailed presentation should contact Democratic Services.)



High Wycombe Town Committee - Forward Work Programme

To note the current work programme as attached.

Supporting documents:


The Committee’s draft work programme, looking ahead to January 2017 was presented for review.


It was noted that the date of the June 2016 meeting was 14th and not 21st as currently shown in the Programme.


RESOLVED: That the forward work programme be noted, subject to the June 2016 meeting date being amended to 14th June.





Information Sheets

The following Information Sheet is attached:


01/2016          Q3 Budgetary Control Report


** Members are reminded to give 24 hours’ notice of any questions concerning an Information Sheet to ensure an answer can be given at the meeting. **

Supporting documents:


RESOLVED:  That Information Sheet 01/2016 Budgetary Control Report be noted.