Meeting documents

Venue: Council Chamber. View directions

Contact: Liz Hornby 

No. Item


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

To confirm the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 15 November 2017 (attached).

Supporting documents:


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 15 November 2017 be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any disclosure of disclosable pecuniary interests by Members relating to items on the agenda. If any Member is uncertain as to whether an interest should be disclosed, he or she is asked if possible to contact the District Solicitor prior to the meeting.

Members are reminded that if they are declaring an interest, they should state the nature of that interest whether or not they are required to withdraw from the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.



Planning Applications


RESOLVED: that the reports be received and the recommendations contained in the reports, as amended by the update sheet where appropriate, be adopted, subject to any deletions, updates or alterations set out in the minutes below.



17/05769/FUL - The Spinney, Upper Icknield Way, Whiteleaf, Buckinghamshire, HP27 0LY

Supporting documents:


Before debate on the application took place the Chairman read out a statement from the Ward Member who was absent from the meeting due to illness.


Members noted in the Update sheet that the recommendation had been amended to read:


Minded to grant permission subject to completion of a Planning Obligation.


That the Head of Planning and Sustainability be given delegated authority to grant Conditional Permission provided that a Planning Obligation is made to secure the following matters:


1)    prevent further development pursuant to previously granted application ref: 15/06439/CLP; if permission 17/05769/FUL was implemented;

2)    require all other outbuildings on the site to be demolished; if permission 17/05769/FUL was implemented.


Or to refuse planning permission if an Obligation cannot be secured.


Following a full debate, Members voted on the motion to refuse the application on the grounds of the development being inappropriate in the Green Belt and therefore contrary to Wycombe District Council Planning Policy. This motion fell away as a majority in favour of the motion was not reached.


Members then voted on the motion to approve the application, subject to the amendment to the recommendation and the additional condition to include retention of boundary trees and appropriate root protection. This motion was carried.


            RESOLVED: that the Head of Planning and Sustainability be given delegated authority to grant Conditional Permission provided that a Planning Obligation was secured as referenced above.


The Committee was addressed by Mr John Biggs in objection and Mr Martin Crook, the agent on behalf of the applicant.



17/07627/FUL - Land Adjacent to 32 Queen Street, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP13 6EZ

Supporting documents:


Members noted that despite the concerns raised when refusing the previous planning application, the Planning Inspector only accepted the impact on the outlook of the neighbour. Therefore, while their concerns persisted, this appeal decision was a material planning consideration.


The Committee also noted the concerns expressed by the Conservation Officer in relation to the arrangement of the windows on the front elevation. He considered that there should be single central windows as two was overcrowded and architecturally unresolved. It was considered that this could be relatively easily addressed and a motion to defer the application to seek these changes was passed.


The Committee therefore voted in favour of the motion to give delegated authority to the Head of Planning and Sustainability to grant Conditional Permission, provided that the fenestration amendments could be agreed with the applicant.


RESOLVED: that the Head of Planning and Sustainability be given delegated authority to grant Conditional Permission, provided that the fenestration amendments outlined above could be agreed with the applicant.


The Committee was addressed by Councillor A Green, the Local Ward Member.


The Committee was addressed by Mr Richard Wilkinson in objection and Mr Duncan Gibson, the agent on behalf of the applicant.


Pre-Planning Committee Training / Information Session

Supporting documents:


The Committee noted that no requests had been received and therefore no pre-Committee training/information session would be held. The Chairman agreed that the next Committee meeting could start at 6.30pm.



Delegated Action Authorised by Planning Enforcement Team

Supporting documents:


Members noted the Delegated Action authorised by the Planning Enforcement Team.



Appointment of Members for Site Visits

To appoint Members to undertake site visits on Tuesday 13 February 2018 should the need arise.


RESOLVED: That in the event that it was necessary to arrange site visits on Tuesday 13 February 2018 in respect of the agenda for the meeting on Wednesday 14 February 2018, the following Members be invited to attend with the relevant local Members:


Councillors: S Graham, C B Harriss, D A Johncock, T Lee, N B Marshall, H L McCarthy, Mrs C Oliver, N J B Teesdale, A Turner, P R Turner and C Whitehead.



File on Actions Taken under Delegated Authority

Submission of the file of actions taken under delegated powers since the previous meeting.


The file on actions taken under delegated authority since the previous meeting was circulated for the Committee’s attention.