Meeting documents

Venue: Council Chamber. View directions

Contact: Liz Hornby 

No. Item


Minutes of the Previous Meeting

To confirm the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 17 October 2018 (attached).

Supporting documents:


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 17 October 2018 be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any disclosure of disclosable pecuniary interests by Members relating to items on the agenda. If any Member is uncertain as to whether an interest should be disclosed, he or she is asked if possible to contact the District Solicitor prior to the meeting.

Members are reminded that if they are declaring an interest, they should state the nature of that interest whether or not they are required to withdraw from the meeting.


Councillor H McCarthy: 18/06767/FUL – declared an interest in the item as one of the objector’s who spoke was known to him. He therefore did not take any part in the debate or the voting on the item.


Councillor S Raja: 18/06767/FUL – declared an interest in the item as one of the objector’s who spoke was known to him. He therefore did not take any part in the debate or the voting on the item.


Planning Applications


RESOLVED: that the reports be received and the recommendations contained in the reports, as amended by the update sheet where appropriate, be adopted, subject to any deletions, updates or alterations set out in the minutes below.


17/07846/OUT - OS Parcel 8300, Chinnor Road, Bledlow, Buckinghamshire

Supporting documents:


Members voted unanimously in favour of the motion to approve the application.


            RESOLVED: that the application be approved.


The Committee noted a further representation from Councillor Etholen, the local Ward Member.


The Committee was addressed by Mr John Brooker in objection.


17/07892/FUL - The Caitlin Building, Corporation Street, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire

Supporting documents:


Members voted in favour of the motion to approve the application.


            RESOLVED: that the application be approved.


The Committee noted a further representation from Councillor Mrs Clarke, the local Ward Member.


The Committee was addressed by Mr John Croke in objection.


18/05741/FUL - 1 Hillary Close, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP13 7RP

Supporting documents:


Members voted in favour of the motion to defer the application for officers to negotiate amendments to the design and layout of the proposed accommodation.


            RESOLVED: that the application be deferred.


The Committee was addressed by Councillor Mrs Wassell, the local Ward Member.


The Committee was addressed by Mr Steve Stothard in objection.


18/05978/FUL - Hill House, Harvest Hill, Hedsor, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5JJ

Supporting documents:


Members voted in favour of the motion to approve the application.


            RESOLVED: that the application be approved.


The Committee was addressed by Councillors Appleyard and Lee, the local Ward Members.


The Committee was addressed by Dr Christine Havelock in objection and Mr Terry Procter, the applicant.


18/06715/FUL - Land at Boundary Farm, Sprigs Holly Lane, Chinnor, Buckinghamshire, OX39 4BY

Supporting documents:


Members voted in favour of the motion to refuse the application as the proposed access and residential curtilage would encroach beyond a defined boundary into the undeveloped countryside of the AONB adjacent to a public right of way. This, coupled with the conversion of the building, would result in a degree of urbanisation as a result of the:-


-       Formalisation of the access track,

-       Proposed change of use of the land to residential curtilage, by reason of the likely cutting short of the grass, planting of domestic flora,

-       Proliferation of residential paraphernalia


It was considered that these factors would have an unacceptable domestic intrusion into the open countryside and Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. An intrusion of this nature would give rise to an increased urbanisation impact on the landscape which would negatively impact on the special character and intrinsic landscape qualities of the Chilterns AONB and the rural amenity of the area generally.

As such, the proposal was considered to be contrary to policies C4 (Extensions of Site Boundaries in the Countryside), C7 (Re-use and Adaptation of Buildings in the Countryside), C10 (Development in the Countryside Beyond the Green Belt) and L1 (The Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) of the adopted Wycombe District Local, together with CS17 (Environmental Assets) and CS19 (Raising the Quality of Place-Shaping and Design) of the Core Strategy DPD.


            RESOLVED: that the application be refused.


The Committee was addressed by Dr Zenon Gray in objection and Mr Richard Turner the agent on behalf of the applicant and Mrs Lesley Bryant, the applicant.


18/06767/FUL - Allotment Gardens, Bassestsbury Lane, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire

Supporting documents:


Members voted in favour of the motion that they were minded to grant the application in accordance with the officer’s recommendation. The Committee requested that a further Condition be added to require that the officers be consulted in relation to the design and materials to be used.


          RESOLVED: that the application be minded to grant in accordance with the officer’s recommendation.


The Committee was addressed by Mr Trevor Snaith and Mr Trevor Hatton in objection.


Councillors McCarthy and Raja, having declared an interest in the item took no part in the debate or the vote.


18/07065/FUL - 29 Shelley Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP11 2UW

Supporting documents:


Members voted in favour of the motion to approve the application.


            RESOLVED: that the application be approved.


The Committee noted a further representation from Councillor Mrs Clarke, the local Ward Member.


The Committee was addressed by Mrs Joanna Woodforth in objection and Mrs Madasar Mirza, the applicant.


18/07352/FUL - 35 Shelley Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP11 2UW

Supporting documents:


Members voted in favour of the motion to approve the application.


            RESOLVED: that the application be approved.


The Committee noted a further representation from Councillor Mrs Clarke, the local Ward Member.


The Committee was addressed by Mrs Jean Poguntke in objection.


18/06360/FUL - Land Between Silvergate and The Dairy, Dowley Common, Downley, Buckinghamshire

Supporting documents:


Councillor Alan Turner took the Chair for this item.


Members voted in favour of the motion to refuse the application and requested that a further reason for refusal be added:


The proposed dwelling by virtue of its scale, bulk, mass and location would detract from the character and visual amenity of the surrounding area to the detriment of the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and would neither preserve nor enhance the character or appearance of the Downley Conservation Area. The proposal was thus considered to be contrary to the guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework and Policies CS17 and CS19 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document July 2008; Policies G3, G8, L1, HE6, H17 of the Wycombe District Local Plan 2011 (as saved extended and partly replaced) and Policies DM30(The Chilterns AONB), DM31 (Development Affecting the Historic Environment) and DM35 (Placemaking and Design Quality) of the New Wycombe Local Plan Submission Version March 2018.


            RESOLVED: that the application be refused with the additional reason for refusal.


The Committee was addressed by Councillor Paul Turner, the local Ward Member.


Standing Order 14, Paragraph 41


RESOLVED: As the meeting was still sitting at 22:00 hours, the Chairman moved that the meeting continue until the finish of business.


Pre-Planning Committee Training / Information Session

Supporting documents:


Members noted that a presentation was due to take place on Wednesday 16 January 2019 regarding the proposed redevelopment of the Chilterns Shopping Centre in Frogmoor but that it had been cancelled.


This being the case it was agreed that the Committee meeting on the 16 January 2019 would therefore start at 6.30pm.


Appointment of Members for Site Visits

To appoint Members to undertake site visits on Tuesday 15 January 2019 should the need arise.


RESOLVED: That in the event that it was necessary to arrange site visits on Tuesday 15 January 2019 in respect of the agenda for the meeting on Wednesday 16 January 2019, the following Members be invited to attend with the relevant local Members:


Councillors: M Hanif, D A Johncock, T Lee, N B Marshall, H L McCarthy, Mrs C Oliver, A Turner, P R Turner and C Whitehead.


Delegated Action Undertaken by Planning Enforcement Team

Supporting documents:


Members noted the Delegated Action authorised by the Planning Enforcement Team.


File on Actions Taken under Delegated Authority

Submission of the file of actions taken under delegated powers since the previous meeting.


The file on actions taken under delegated authority since the previous meeting was circulated for the Committee’s attention.