Meeting documents

Document: 2001-07-02 CABINET


PRESENT:  Councillor Cartwright (Leader); Councillors Ashenden, Mrs Morgan-Owen, Mrs Paternoster, Mrs Polhill, Rowlands, Sir Beville Stanier and Stewart.


APOLOGIES: Councillors James and Liverseidge.


Councillors Baldwin, Mrs Brandis, Cole, Mrs Davies, Griffin, Kennell, Metherell, Richards, Searle and Stuart attended also.







That the Minutes of 11th June, 2001 be approved as a correct record.








That Councillor Cartwright be appointed as one of the Council's representatives to serve on the Steering Group of the Aylesbury Town Centre Partnership.



That the Liberal Democrat Group Leader be invited to nominate an Aylesbury Ward Member to fill the remaining vacancy on the Steering Group.





Consideration was given to a report by the Chief Executive, copies of which had previously been circulated to all Members of the Council, setting out details of a number of requests for support from the Matching Funding Budget.


Members felt, however, that the report should be withdrawn to enable a review to be undertaken of the timescale and processes for the determination of applications in order to ensure optimal use of the funds available.  Such a review would also enable the format of future reports to be re-examined having regard to the need to provide as much detail as possible, particularly in relation to financial information.  In reaching this decision, Members appreciated that there might be occasions when time was of the essence in relation to the determination of applications and it was therefore





That the report referred to above be withdrawn for the reasons indicated.



That pending completion of the review, the Chief Executive, after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Community Safety be authorised to determine any applications requiring an urgent decision having regard to the time factors involved for securing other sources of funding.





Members considered a report suggesting amendments to the existing delegation arrangements to reflect factors such as the provisions contained in the Aqua Vale management contract, the need to deal with Leisure Cheque applications under the modernised arrangements without undue delay and changes in service areas for which the Leisure Division was no longer responsible.





That matters relating to cemeteries and crematoria, currently delegated to the Cabinet Member for Environment and Health, be transferred to the Cabinet Member for Leisure.



That the Cabinet Member for Leisure be authorised to approve Leisure Cheque applications in excess of £5,000, with the limit on Leisure Cheque funding being retained at £10,000 for any one project.



That the Head of Leisure and Cultural Services be given delegated authority to approve Leisure Cheque grant applications for less than £5,000 after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Leisure and Local Members.



That in order to reflect the opening of the new Aqua Vale Swimming Pool and the new management contract:-



The following items currently contained within the Scheme of Officer Delegations be deleted:-


“To make training facilities available at the Reg Maxwell Pool prior to public swimming time for local swimmers with the necessary ability, dedication and potential”


“To permit up to four competitions to be held at the Reg Maxwell Pool affecting public swimming time and to waive the fees which would be applicable for the periods when the pool would not normally be open to the public”


“After consultation with the Chairman of the Leisure Committee, to determine the opening hours at the Maxwell Pool between the Monday before Christmas and New Year's Day”.



All remaining references to “Reg Maxwell Pool” be replaced by “Aqua Vale Swimming Centre”.





Members considered a report by the Director of Housing, Health and Leisure regarding an Affordable Warmth Strategy for Aylesbury Vale.  The proposed Strategy, which provided a framework for progress towards the eradication of fuel poverty in Aylesbury Vale and the achievement of affordable warmth for all residents, contained 4 key aims, namely:-



To improve communication



To include affordable warmth in Health and Social care



To provide financial support for those in need



To improve the energy efficiency standards of the housing stock.


The report outlined the actions designed to achieve the key aims.  It was anticipated that the strategy would provide a mechanism to address the root causes of the inability to heat a home adequately and would assist with the improvement of the health and quality of life of over 15,000 households around the Vale.


The Strategy illustrated the need for the Council to work in partnership with various other organisations.  The four key aims built on the existing work being undertaken and were designed to provide a framework on which to build through liaison with other agencies, rather than making commitments to direct Council involvement.


Whilst Members supported the principle of introducing such a Strategy, it was commented that it was not clear as to how assistance would be provided to those in need.  It was, however, noted that the Strategy made provision for a review of progress towards achieving its aims at six monthly intervals.  It was commented also that it would be helpful to understand better the exact nature and extent of the Council's involvement, and that the information contained in the Strategy should be made available to all Members of the Council and to Parish Councils.




That the Strategy be approved in principle but that progress be reported back to the Cabinet in September, 2001, with any such report including details of how the Council would be involved with the various partner organisations referred to in the Strategy.







That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the Paragraphs indicated in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act:-


Best Value Review - Aylesbury and Winslow Markets.  (Paragraphs 7 and 9).


Extension of sick pay for an employee.  (Paragraph 1).


Sale of land at Stocklake.  (Paragraphs 7 and 9).





Members were advised of the results of a Best Value Review of the Aylesbury and Winslow Markets operations.  The review had been undertaken by a Panel comprising Officers, including the Town Centre Manager, and representatives of the Aylesbury Market Traders.  Periodic progress reports had been made to the former Aylesbury Sub-Committee and the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of that Sub-Committee had been part of the Panel appointed to interview companies/organisations who had expressed an interest in operating the markets.  The markets were currently being run in house and a deficit for the current year was anticipated.


The report of the Director of Planning, Property and Construction Services, copies of which had been circulated to all Members of the Council, contained details of the actions pursued in accordance with the Best Value principles of challenge, consultation, compare and compete.





That the contract for the management of the Aylesbury and Winslow Markets be awarded to Town and Country Markets at the contract offer price specified in the report of the Director of Planning, Property and Construction Services.



That such a contract should include a 12 month break clause enabling the Council to terminate the contract in the event of the company failing to meet its proposals.



That a Parent Company Guarantee be sought in order to ensure that the contract payment was made.



That the Action Plan contained in the Director's report be approved.





Members were advised of the circumstances of an employee who had been on sick leave since November, 2000.





That an extension of full pay be granted to the employee concerned, backdated to 15th May, 2001, and that the situation be reviewed after 3 months.



That future similar cases be determined by the Head of Personnel, after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Personnel and the relevant service Cabinet Member.



That arrangements be made for quarterly reports to be prepared to enable an assessment of trends in relation to cases such as this.





On 11th June, 2001, it had been decided by Cabinet to dispose by way of public auction the Council's freehold interest in five acres of land forming the residue of the site required for a new fire station.  A reserve auction price had been specified.


The decision had subsequently been called in by the Scrutiny Committee for Development, Economic Development and the Environment.  That Committee had reviewed the proposed sale and the Cabinet had been asked to reconsider its decision.  Councillor Metherell, who had chaired the Scrutiny Committee and was present at this meeting, was invited to address the Cabinet outlining the reasons for the Committee's decision.


The Cabinet was informed that the Scrutiny Committee had felt that the reserve auction price was too low and that the strategic value of the site should be re-examined in the light of its location in relation to future development sites in the area.  The Committee had also felt that a sale by public auction might not be the most appropriate method of maximising the value of the site and that the timing of the sale should be reviewed in the light of market trends.


The Cabinet felt, however, that the original decision, which accorded with the Council's current strategy of disposing of surplus assets should be affirmed.  Members were also satisfied with the advice received from the Council's professional advisers regarding the reserve auction price having regard to the development constraints on the land and developers' likely future infrastructure costs.  Members also felt that a sale by auction would be the best method of disposal bearing in mind the delays inherent in trying to achieve a sale by private treaty.  Accordingly, it was




That the decision of the Cabinet of 11th June, 2001 be affirmed.