Meeting documents

Document: 2001-09-11 CABINET


PRESENT:  Councillor Mrs Morgan-Owen (in the Chair);  Councillors Ashenden, James, Liverseidge, Mrs Paternoster, Mrs Polhill, Rowlands, Sir Beville Stanier and Stewart.  Councillors Baldwin, Cole, Mrs Glover, Isham, Mrs Lambert, Metherell and Richards attended also.


APOLOGIES: Councillors Cartwright and James.







That the Minutes of 28th August, 2001 be approved as a correct record.





Cabinet received a report, also to be considered by full Council on 12th September, 2001, which sought to address the financial and environmental implications of travellers' encampments within the Vale.  The report also sought to identify whether or not there were any trends in the numbers of encampments and gave details of the actions taken by the Council to prevent unauthorised encampments, and the possible future steps that might be taken to deal with this issue.


The report outlined the existing legislative framework and pointed out that the Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions (DTLR) had commissioned a review of the current legislation.  It was anticipated that the review conclusions would be published in late September.  Inspector Downing of Thames Valley Police (Aylesbury area) and Mr T Holland, the County Council's Gypsy Officer attended and responded to questions from Cabinet Members and other Members present at the meeting.


Reference was made also to an additional site, namely Bedgrove Park, where preventative measures might need to be taken.  The cost benefit analysis referred to in the decision below would include this site also.





That the content of the report be noted.



That the Head of Environmental Health Services be asked to report the findings of the DTLR review to a future meeting of the Cabinet.



That it be noted that the current underspend in the legal costs budget might be required to fund a potential overspend in the site clearance budget.



That the Head of Environmental Health Services be asked to undertake a cost benefit analysis of the preventative works detailed in Section 5.4 of the report submitted (including the additional site referred to above) and that the results be reported to the Cabinet in October, 2001 to enable the Cabinet to determine future funding for preventative works.



That Council be asked to appoint the Cabinet Member for Environment and Health, Councillor Rowlands, to represent the Council at the meeting to be arranged by Buckinghamshire County Council on a countywide basis.





A report outlining a possible scheme designed to help current and former tenants who were experiencing difficulty clearing rent arrears was withdrawn following recent discussion with the Tenants Panel which had highlighted the need for additional information.  Following these discussions, the proposed scheme would be refined and further consultation would take place with the Panel





Approval was sought to the matching transfer of land between Housing and General Fund and vice-versa.  This would enable management and disposal of both areas of land to be dealt with within the most appropriate portfolio, recognising the expected end use.


The Head of Finance explained that the proposed appropriation would enable the land at Bearbrook House to form the Council's investment in a wider development which would include affordable housing, thus securing £1M worth of input rather than having a cash sum which would be reduced by the debt redemption requirements.





That approval be given to the transfer of 6.4 acres of land at Brunel Road, as shown on Plan 2 submitted, from Housing to the General Fund at a figure of £1M, to be matched by the transfer of 5.14 acres of land at Bearbrook House, Oxford Road, as shown on Plan 1 submitted, from General Fund to Housing purposes at a figure of £1M.



That it be noted that the appropriation of 5.14 acres of land at Bearbrook House would contribute to the formation of a wider housing development to include a proportion of affordable housing.





Consideration was given to a report suggesting a means whereby the Jubilee might suitably be marked throughout the District.  The proposal was designed to accord with the Council's approved budgetary processes, ensure equitable distribution of the funds that might be made available and to encourage the promotion of schemes which could be regarded as being sustainable development.




That the Council, in due course be asked to



include the sum of £50,500 in the budget for 2002/2003;



agree that sums should be allocated on a matched funding basis as indicated in the report submitted and that Town/Parish Councils should be advised of the availability of funding at the earliest opportunity;



agree that applications made to the District Council should meet the sustainable criteria; and



agree that any monies not allocated by September, 2002 be returned to General Fund balances.