Meeting documents

Document: 2001-09-25 CABINET


PRESENT:  Councillor Cartwright (Leader);  Councillors Ashenden, James, Liverseidge, Mrs Morgan-Owen, Mrs Paternoster, Rowlands and Stewart.  Councillors Barclay, Mrs Brandis, Cooper, Mrs Davies, Mrs Glover, Griffin, Mrs Jamieson, Kennell, Mrs Lambert, Metherell, Miss Reynolds, Mrs Roberts, Mrs Willetts and Mrs Worgan attended also.


APOLOGIES: Councillors Mrs Polhill and Sir Beville Stanier.







That the Minutes of 11th September, 2001 be approved as a correct record.





Consideration was given to the report of the Director of Housing, Health and Leisure regarding a restructure of the Housing Division in order to achieve an operational/strategic split.  The simplest way to view the revised structure was that all matters relating to pre-tenancy would be dealt with by one section namely “Housing Needs and Strategy” but if the issue related to tenants, then it would be dealt with by the other section namely, “Tenancy Services”.


It was commented that some further restructuring might be necessary in relation to the future administration of some private sector housing services provided within the Environmental Health Division in order that the particular responsibilities better reflected those of the Cabinet Members concerned and the budget allocation.  It was felt that the Director of Housing, Health and Leisure should examine this aspect further, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Members and report to a subsequent meeting.  It was noted also that the proposed new structure would no longer make provision for a Quality Officer, this post having remained vacant for some considerable time.





That the proposals as set out in the report submitted be approved.



That the Director of Housing, Health and Leisure be authorised to implement the revised structure with effect from 1st October, 2001.



That the Director of Housing, Health and Leisure be asked to review and report further on any revisions that might be necessary in respect of the provision of private sector housing services which were currently the responsibility of the Environmental Health Division, after consultation with the relevant Cabinet Members.





The Best Value review of concessionary travel had been concluded and Members received a report by the Director of Corporate Resources which examined a number of matters for possible future consideration as a consequence of the review.  These included:-



The possible extension of the existing half fare bus pass scheme.



The possible extension of travel concessions to men over 60 years of age.



The possible enhancement of the rail pass arrangements.



The future of the taxi token arrangements.



The difficulties associated with cross border travel.



The possibility of introducing a permanent bus pass.



The possible transfer of strategic responsibility for concessionary travel from Corporate Resources to Planning.



The future of Dial-a-Ride arrangements.


The report discussed each of these issues in detail having regard to the likely resource implications and customer needs.  Members' approval was sought to a further in depth examination of the options open to the Council.




That the following matters be developed as a programme for future consideration having regard to any budget and operational constraints:-



The recommendations of the Best Value review.



The options for and implications of improving the bus pass scheme.



The options for and implications of forming a consortium with Wycombe and South Bucks District Councils regarding the provision of a Chiltern Railways pass.



The possibility of redirecting subsidy away from taxi tokens towards rural bus services.



The position regarding cross-border travel.



The potential for the issue of a permanent bus pass should reimbursement no longer be based on the number of passes issued.



The transfer of strategic responsibility for concessionary travel from Corporate Resources to Planning.



The scope for some of the budget to be redirected in future years towards improving rural bus services.



Councillor Rowlands declared an interest in the above matter under the Voluntary Code and did not speak or vote thereon.





Consideration was given to a report by the Director of Corporate Resources setting out the reasons for the need for additional funding totalling £225,670.


A previous report to the former Offices Sub-Committee last year had indicated a projected outturn of £116,000 above the allocated budget.  That figure had not however made provision for urgent works required to the roof of 66 High Street although it had provided for a contingency sum in respect of final account claims.  The December report had been based on works at 66 High Street, Pembroke Road and Friars Square.


In March, 2001, it had been decided to use the Exchange Street Offices as an operational building and to revise the previously agreed arrangements in respect of Friars Square.  The larger part of the Friars Square budget had been transferred to the Exchange Street project which had involved considerable design works.  This had resulted in significant abortive fee costs in relation to Friars Square.


The projections reported to Members in December had assumed that the funding for IT equipment for the ground floor operations at 66 High Street would in part be paid for from the Internal Insurance Project Fund.  The former Policy and Resources Committee had however felt that this was an inappropriate use of the fund and the costs involved now fell to be met from the Offices Project budget.


The report now before Members identified a number of further works for which budget provision did not currently exist.  These were:-


External redecoration to Exchange Street (£25,000)


Air conditioning for the Cabinet Room at Exchange Street (£8,800)


Provision of a lift at Exchange Street (£45,650)


Heating and ventilation works at 66 High Street (approx. £112,000)


It was indicated that the cost of external redecorations at Exchange Street could be met from the Corporate Property Repairs Budget.  It was however commented that it might be appropriate to defer the remaining expenditure at Exchange Street until after consideration had been given to the future development of Sites A and B, of which Exchange Street formed a part.  The provision of a lift at Exchange Street was a future requirement of the Disabled Discrimination Act but Members were aware that the Act allowed a phased approach to major works of this type and the permitted timescale for compliance would enable the matter to be looked at in the context of the future of Sites A and B.  This approach was not intended to detract from the Council's commitment to ensuring equal access to its services and facilities.


With regard to the heating/ventilation works at 66 High Street, Members felt it essential that these works should be undertaken if resources could be identified and discussed briefly the potential for part of the cost being offset using currently unused staff related funds within another budget head.





That the Council be asked to agree the allocation of additional funding of £225,670 to the Offices and Customer Services Centre Project - Phase 1.



That the Officers be asked to report further with detailed costings on options for resolving the heating and ventilation problems at 66 High Street, Aylesbury with a view to the project being included in the list of Capital schemes to be prioritised by the Council.



That consideration of the remaining items of expenditure be deferred pending the outcome of discussions regarding Sites A and B.





Consideration was given to a report setting out the responses received to the draft Supplementary Planning Guidance during the period of public consultation and approval was sought to the adoption of a revised draft having regard to the public response.  Consideration was also given to the design of the finalised document.


Members were aware that the adoption of the Safety Through Design document as Supplementary Planning Guidance would enable its use by Development Control Officers to evaluate whether planning applications paid due regard to community safety issues.  It would also help applicants and their agents to ensure that they submitted proposals that accorded with the Council's planning policies and advice.





That the changes recommended as a result of the response to public consultation be approved.



That approval be given to the main document being produced in A4 format, with summary documents being in A4 “design guide” form.



That it be noted that training would need to be provided for all Development Control Officers in relation to the application of the guidance.





In accordance with the CIPFA Code of Practice, the Director of Corporate Resources submitted a report setting out the treasury management action plan for the current year and which also reviewed performance for 2000/2001.  A new Code was due to be published shortly and a further report would be submitted to the Cabinet regarding any changes to current practices that might be necessary in order to comply with this.


During discussions on this item, Members expressed concern about the requirement to set aside a significant proportion of capital receipts from the disposal of housing assets (including Council house sales) which acted as a considerable constraint on the Council's ability to pursue new housing initiatives.  Given the discussions currently taking place nationally regarding the content of a proposed White Paper on local government, it was felt opportune for representations to be submitted to the Local Government Association seeking a review of the existing arrangements with a view to allowing local authorities much greater flexibility in the use of capital receipts.





That the action plan for 2001/2002 be approved and the performance for 2000/2001 be noted.



That the maximum permitted to be externally managed under the Head of Finance's delegated powers be increased to £50M.



That representations be submitted to the Local Government Association along the lines indicated above.





Consideration was given to a request from Orange PCS Limited to place mobile telecom antennae/dishes on an electricity pylon situated on amenity land owned by the Council at Parrot Close, Aylesbury.  Permission had also been sought to erect a control cabin under or alongside the pylon.  Reference was made to representations from local residents opposing the proposal on the grounds that the equipment would be sited too close to houses.  The Cabinet concurred with this view and accordingly it was




That the request be refused.





It was a requirement under the Accounts and Audit Regulations that an appropriate Committee of the Council should approve the Statement of Accounts before 30th September, 2001.  A draft of the Statement which was still to be audited, was accordingly submitted.  Having noted some textural changes to the Statement to correct arithmetical errors and to take account of information that had become available subsequent to despatch of the Agenda, it was




That the draft Statement of Accounts for 2000/2001 as now amended be approved subject to audit.





Consideration was given to a report by the Director of Housing, Health and Leisure reviewing the current policy document in the light of developments relating to best practice, customer care, changing needs, Government guidance and the introduction on 1st October, 2001, of the Children (Leaving Care) Act, 2000.  A report would also be submitted to the Scrutiny Committee for Housing.


During the course of discussions reference was made to the need to involve local Members from the outset in relation to the proposed policy on tenancy successions.  It was also felt that the policy in respect of successions should indicate that cases could be referred to the Appeals and Complaints Committee by the local Member(s).




That subject to the concurrence of Council, the following be approved with effect from 1st January, 2002, except the proposals in (a), (b), (c) and (d) below which related to the implementation of the Children (Leaving Care) Act, 2000, due to be implemented on 1st October, 2001, and (f) below, which should be introduced following formal approval by the Council:-



Changes to the definition of applicants as outlined in Paragraph 4.2.4 of the report submitted.



Subject to the acceptance of (a) above, changes to the status of single persons as outlined in paragraph 4.2.5 of the report.



Subject to ongoing discussions between Officers of this Council and Buckinghamshire County Council, and to the Director of Housing, Health and Leisure, after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing being satisfied that this Council's interests were safeguarded, approval of the procedure for granting future tenancies to minors as set out in Paragraph 4.3.6 of the report.



Subject to the acceptance of (a) above, approval of the deletion of S70 of the Policy document in order to put all homeless care leavers on a similar footing, as outlined in Paragraph 4.3.7 of the report.



Approval of the lifting of certain restrictions in eligibility to the Housing Register as outlined in Paragraph 4.4.2 of the report.



Approval of the revised allocation criteria in respect of single persons as outlined in Paragraph 4.5.2 of the report.



Approval of revisions to the Sponsored Moves Scheme as outlined in Paragraph 4.6.2 of the report.



Approval of revisions to the offer procedure as outlined in Paragraph 4.6.2 of the report.



Subject to the Clauses referred to above in relation to the involvement of the local Member(s), approval to update the Policy in respect of successions where there is/is not a statutory right of succession, as outlined in Paragraph 4.7.2.



Approval of administrative changes to delegations under the Policy as outlined in Paragraph 4.8.2 and Appendix 2 of the report.





Consideration was given to proposed changes to the Council's adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance on non-MDA developer contributions towards implementation of the ALUT Strategy.  This matter had previously been considered by the Cabinet on 28th August, 2001 and subsequently discussed by the Scrutiny Committee for Development, Economic Development and Environment on 5th September, 2001.  The report submitted summarised the Scrutiny Committee's consideration of this matter.  Also circulated prior to the Cabinet meeting was a statement setting out the approach taken by other local authorities.  At the invitation of the Cabinet, the Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee elaborated on the issues discussed by the Scrutiny Committee.


After some discussion, it was felt that whilst accepting the principle that developer contributions should be based on vehicle trips rather than person trips, the cost per vehicle trip should initially be set at a specified level rather than be based on a sliding scale.




That subject to the concurrence of Council:-



Developer contributions be based on vehicle trips rather than person trips.



Developer contributions be sought on the basis that brownfield developments within the town will represent 24.8% of all (non-MDA related) increased traffic generated.



The cost per vehicle trip be set at £319.



The following use be exempt from any payment:-



Public Halls - a Class D1 use type



The thresholds for payments be increased to the equivalent of 50 vehicle trips for all types of development.



The recommended revisions to the draft SPG be adopted for development control purposes as an interim measure prior to formal adoption after consultation (subject to legal advice).



The strategy be subject to ongoing review and that the cost per vehicle trip be reviewed every two years, if applicable, in order that the success of the scheme in raising the required revenue can be reviewed.



Councillor Rowlands declared a Voluntary Interest in the above item and did not speak or vote thereon.







That in the interests of maintaining maximum take-up of stalls and maximising the opportunities for local producers to sell their goods, the rent of stalls at the Aylesbury Farmers' Market be maintained at £17.63 inclusive of VAT until 31st March, 2002.





The Cabinet considered the detailed report of the Chief Executive regarding negotiations in relation to a Public Service Agreement (PSA) for Buckinghamshire.


The PSA was essentially a contract whereby in return for delivering improved performance in a number of areas, the Government would pay to local authorities performance awards.  The Government had set out the key areas it wished to see improved.  These included education, crime and disorder, and health.  These would form the main focus of PSAs.  In addition however 4 local targets could be included.  The PSA would cover a 3 year period and it was intended that the PSA should be put in place from 2002 to 2005.


The report contained the current targets being discussed with Government officials but it was anticipated that some of these might be modified during the course of negotiations.





That the Council's involvement in a PSA for Buckinghamshire be endorsed.



That the Chief Executive, after consultation with the Cabinet Leader, be authorised to confirm the Council's support for the final version of the Agreement.







That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the Paragraphs indicated in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act:-


Land at Bridge Street, Buckingham.  (Paragraphs 7 and 9).


Corporate Property Contracts Officer.  (Paragraph 1).





The Director of Planning, Property and Construction Services reported on the outcome of discussions with a developer regarding the sale of land at Bridge Street, Buckingham.





That the terms and conditions for the sale of land in question, as set out in the report submitted, be approved subject to consultation with Buckingham Town Council regarding the type and extent of the bollards/fence to be erected by the developer.



That after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Asset Management, the Director of Planning, Property and Construction Services be authorised to publish the notice required under Section 123(2A) of the Local Government Act, 1972 and to deal with any objections received.





A review of the future of this post had been undertaken following a request for redundancy from the existing post holder.




That subject to the concurrence of Council:-



The Director of Planning, Property and Construction Services, after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Personnel and Support Services, be authorised to delete the post in question subject to satisfactory secondment/appointment arrangements in respect of the new role, and that this be implemented in accordance with the Council's Handling of Redundancies procedure.



That no corporate property work be undertaken in-house and the new post be filled on a secondment basis using savings made from the deletion of the Corporate Property Contracts Officer post.