Meeting documents

Document: 2001-12-04 CABINET


PRESENT:  Councillor Mrs Morgan-Owen (in the Chair); Councillors James, Liverseidge, Mrs Paternoster, Mrs Polhill, Rowlands, Sir Beville Stanier and Stewart.  Councillors  Barclay, Mrs Brandis, Mrs Baxter, Cooper, Foster, Mrs Glover, Isham, Mrs Jamieson, Metherell and Miss Reynolds attended also.


APOLOGY:  Councillor Cartwright.







That the Minutes of 20th November, 2001 be approved as a correct record.





Consideration was given to the report of the Director of Corporate Resources containing proposals for formulating the budget for 2002/2003.  The report was considered earlier than in previous years in order to facilitate the scrutiny review process.  Unfortunately, however, this had meant that in some cases, the figures and information contained in the report were likely to be subject to change.  It was hoped that the more significant uncertainties would become known over the next fortnight or so to enable a report to be submitted to the Cabinet on 18th December, 2001 which would elaborate upon the likely impact.


The principal unknowns were:-



Government Grant and Business Rate Distribution.  (It was however indicated that information regarding the Council's Grant had recently been received which suggested a much lower cash increase than had originally been anticipated when formulating the budget proposals.  The details of this year's settlement were currently being analysed and further information would be available for the Scrutiny process).



The Council's future Superannuation liabilities.  (Current indications were that the Council's contribution would increase significantly over and above the figure built originally into the budget assumptions.  In this respect it was agreed that the Deputy Leader of the Council should write to the Leader of Buckinghamshire County Council expressing concern about the management of the Superannuation Fund investments and the consequential impact upon this authority's budget.)



Next year's staff pay award.



The Benefit Subsidy claim.



The likely outturn for 2001/2002.


The report detailed budget pressures, the position regarding the Strategy Fund, the impact of the use of revenue balances and the situation regarding recharges.  It also contained a number of options for expenditure savings and income generation and included a draft summary of the Aylesbury Special Expenses Budget.  The latter would be the subject of consultation with Aylesbury Town Council.





That the General Fund base budget for planning expenditure for 2002/2003 be the current year's budget subject to the following:-



adjustment to take account of the items detailed in paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 of the report submitted;



inclusion of the unavoidable pressures detailed in paragraph 5.4 and Appendix A of the report submitted, and



an increase in the contribution to the Strategy Fund to £275,000.



That the items contained in Appendix D of the report submitted be approved for further consideration to determine expenditure reductions and potential opportunities for income generation, and that consultation be undertaken with the Staff Side.



That the revised timescale for budget planning that provided for consideration to be given to indicative Council Tax levels at the Cabinet meeting on 18th December, 2001, be approved.



That the Aylesbury Special Expenses draft budget, as detailed in Paragraph 10.4 and Appendix E of the report submitted, be approved for consultation with the Town Council.



That the Deputy Leader of the Council be asked to write to the Leader of Buckinghamshire County Council expressing concern about the management of the Superannuation Fund investments and the consequential impact upon this Council's finances.





The Cabinet considered a report prepared by the Chief Executive regarding the introduction of an optional childcare scheme for staff.  The proposal would enable staff to benefit from reduced childcare costs and to access childcare support, information and advice at no direct cost to the Council.




That subject to the concurrence of Council, approval be given to the introduction of an optional childcare voucher scheme for staff as detailed in the report submitted, and that “Busy Bees” be selected as the initial voucher provider.





Consideration was given to the report of the Chief Executive regarding the introduction of a revised harassment procedure for staff.  Such a procedure would continue to affirm the Council's commitment to eliminating all forms of harassment at work, and would give advice to staff and managers on how to raise and deal with complaints.


The existing procedure had been revised in the light of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report, and new legislation.  The definitions of “racist incident” and “institutional racism”, which the Council had already adopted as part of its Equal Access Strategy, had been incorporated into the proposed new procedure.  An opportunity had also been taken to make a number of other changes to the existing procedure, giving special attention to new model codes of practice such as the ACAS Code.




That subject to the concurrence of Council, the document “Bullying and Harassment at Work, Policy and Procedure”, appended to the report submitted, be approved for implementation in place of the existing procedure.





Consideration was given to the report by the Chief Executive which set out the current procedure on how the grading of staff posts was undertaken.  The report highlighted a growing problem with the funding of changes to grades and contained suggestions for dealing with potential difficulties.  Having discussed the report however, Members were not convinced that the solutions proposed would be in the best interests of the Council and staff and felt that a mechanism should be introduced in a way which was consistent with prudent financial control.  In affirming the Council's commitment to the Hay process for determining staff gradings it was therefore




That subject to the concurrence of the Council, the intention of the following be approved:-



That all Departments of the Council make estimates of likely regradings in September each year, and immediately for this year, for implementation in the next financial year.



That estimates be included in the budget setting process each year, and where regradings are not actioned, the funds be returned to the General Fund.



That a full schedule be prepared for discussion by the Cabinet on 18th December, 2001 of all current non-implemented Hay regradings.



That the Cabinet on 18th December finalise proposals for addressing the issues set out in the report, taking into account (1) above.





Having examined the results of the Best Value Review, the Council had agreed to the outsourcing of the car park service.  Members had not, however, had an opportunity to consider how the contract might be structured.


Consideration was given to the report of the Director of Planning, Property and Construction Services outlining the discussions that had taken place to date.  The areas covered included:-



Which car parks would be included within the contract and how the property assets might be dealt with.



Identifying what other resources might be made available i.e. staff, IT, etc., and on what basis.



Capital investment.



Price setting and performance measures.



The treatment of the effect of Park and Ride schemes in the MDAs.



Contract duration.



Continuous improvement measures.



Joint arrangements with Buckinghamshire County Council.  (In this respect, concern was expressed about the apparent lack of progress on the implementation of a Special Parking Area for Aylesbury, including the introduction of residents' parking.)





That the initial principles set out in the report submitted, be endorsed and the matters requiring further research, noted.



That specialist advice be sought in relation to the procurement process.



That the implementation of a Special Parking Area (SPA) for Aylesbury including the introduction of residents' parking schemes be pursued separately if an agreement with Buckinghamshire County Council is not reached within a period of three months.



Councillor Rowlands declared an interest in the above matter under the Voluntary Code and left the meeting.





A car hire firm based at 48 Buckingham Street, Aylesbury was in contravention of a planning condition by using a vehicular access off Ripon Street.  The contravention could, however, be resolved by granting a right of way through the Council's car park at Whitehall Street.  Consideration was given to the report of the Director of Planning, Property and Construction Services regarding discussions between Officers and Company representatives regarding the possibility of the Whitehall Street Car Park being used to eliminate totally the use of the Ripon Street entrance.  Members were anxious to retain the Council's flexibility in relation to any possible future redevelopment of the car park site and accordingly, it was




That the owner of 44/50 Buckingham Street, Aylesbury be granted a right of way across Whitehall Street Car Park for all purposes, reviewable at two yearly intervals, in connection with the use of 44/50 Buckingham Street, and otherwise on such terms as might be agreed by the Director of Planning, Property and Construction Services, after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Asset Management.





Consideration was given to the report of the Director of Housing, Health and Leisure regarding the current position in relation to the waste disposal contract and possible ways in which to deal with the issue of side refuse.  Members were concerned to ensure all steps possible were considered for addressing this problem and its associated financial implications and it was therefore




That a report be submitted to a subsequent meeting of the Cabinet on the options open to the Council for eradicating the problem of side refuse.





Weedon Hill was one of four Major Development Areas (MDAs) identified in the Deposit Draft of the Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan (AVDLP).  The Plan required that the development of the MDAs should be the subject of planning briefs upon which any planning application would be determined.  The planning briefs would be the subject of public consultation and eventual adoption by the Council.


The draft planning brief for the Weedon Hill MDA had been prepared by consultants acting for Hallam Land Management, who had an option on the MDA land.  The brief had been prepared in partnership with the Council and accorded with the requirements of AVDLP.  It incorporated also requirements arising from discussions with service providers.  The report of the Director of Planning, Property and Construction Services contained a summary of the planning brief.  Copies of the full document had been placed in the Members' Lounge and the Cabinet Office.


Following formal approval for consultation, the brief would be placed on deposit for 6 weeks during January and February, 2002.  Any comments received and any suggestions for changes would be reported back to Cabinet.  It was not proposed to seek adoption of the brief until the Inspector's recommendations arising from the Local Plan Inquiry were known, at the end of Summer, 2002.


Members of the Development Control Committee had been invited to attend and participate in the discussion of this matter.  A number of comments were made regarding the possibility of power lines being placed underground, the Park and Ride proposals, sustainability issues (in relation to potential householders), affordable housing provision and access into and out of the Watermead development.




That subject to the inclusion of the following statement in the summary document, the draft Weedon Hill MDA planning brief be approved for public consultation:-


“This brief complies with and helps to further the Council's strategic objectives in respect of planned development”.