Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


For Cabinet to note the work undertaken by the Committee in 2022-23.


The role of the Buckinghamshire Shareholder Committee was to ensure that the Council’s companies and limited liability partnerships acted in the interests of the Council as shareholder and that best practice was being adhered to in delivering statutory arrangements. In doing so, the Committee contributed to the proper governance of the Council’s subsidiaries. This added level of governance was more important than ever, following a number of other local authorities experiencing difficulties. Understanding the risks associated with wholly or jointly owned companies was a key task of the Committee.


This was the first year of the Shareholder Committee and producing an annual report to reflect the work and outcomes achieved by the Committee over the past year was considered good practice.


Members of the Shareholder Committee were not directors, and did not have any direct involvement, in any of the subsidiary bodies.




That the 2022-23 Annual Report of the Buckinghamshire Shareholder Committee and the work it has undertaken to date be NOTED. 

Details of any conflict of interest declared: None.

Contact: Richard Ambrose Email:

Report author: Leslie Ashton

Publication date: 09/05/2023

Date of decision: 09/05/2023

Decided at meeting: 09/05/2023 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: