Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The report considers the case for introduction of a CIL charging schedule in the north and central areas of the County. It also considers the opportunity to review the charging schedules in the west, south and east planning areas. This enable a countywide approach to planning and infrastructure considerations.


This report described how the Council collected developer contributions for infrastructure, how this operated in practice, through s106 contributions and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), including variation between different legacy planning areas.


There was a case for considering the introduction of CIL in the north and central areas of the County to secure funding for infrastructure from developments there. This would also ensure a more consistent approach to developer and infrastructure funding across the county. The opportunity to commission, review and hold a public examination to introduce CIL in the north and central planning areas, might also provide the opportunity to review the charging schedules in the west, south and east planning areas. This would bring these up to date and would enable a countywide approach to planning and infrastructure considerations.




 (1) that the process of considering the introduction of CIL in the north and central planning areas of the County be supported;


(2) that a review of the Charging Schedules in the south, east and west planning areas be undertaken;


(3) that, subject to technical assessment, work to commence on a single charging schedule for Buckinghamshire Council;


(4) that a programme of technical work and consideration of the options for a new charging schedule be noted including coordination with the new Local Plan for Buckinghamshire. This will be produced and agreed with the Cabinet Members for Planning and Regeneration and Transport. An indicative timeframe and key steps in preparing and adopting a charging schedule were included in the report.

Details of any conflict of interest declared: None

Contact: Steve Bambrick, Corporate Director Planning Growth & Sustainability Email:

Report author: John Callaghan

Publication date: 11/07/2023

Date of decision: 11/07/2023

Decided at meeting: 11/07/2023 - Cabinet

Effective from: 19/07/2023

Accompanying Documents: