Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


In the context of Government announcements about the future of LEPs, to consider arrangements for carrying out economic development functions in Buckinghamshire


Cabinet received a report setting out the proposed arrangements for the transfer of the Bucks Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) functions to Buckinghamshire Council, and was asked to agree the approach within Buckinghamshire, in light of the Government’s decision to transfer the economic growth and business representation functions of LEPs to local authorities.


Following a period of consultation earlier in 2023, the Government had confirmed in August its decision to end Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) core funding from 2024/25 and transfer current LEP functions to local government in the interests of supporting local leadership, establishing more joined up delivery, greater efficiency and increased clarity for the business community.  Councils would receive transition funding in 2024/25 (also funding for the growth hub) to support them to take on these functions, with all future funding to be set out at the next Spending Review.


The Government expected seamless Growth Hub provision across the area, that would continue to support businesses and to provide a convening point for broader business support provision. The current level and duration of funding to be received by Councils was not known at present and it was unclear when the level of funding would be confirmed.  The Government expected that all decisions on the transfer and future management of assets would be taken by the LEP and its Accountable Body by March 2024. Further guidance was expected by January 2024. However, in general, local agreement was expected, with government departments becoming directly involved only with those areas that could not reach agreement. Following a series of discussions locally, the Cabinet report set out the key principles and proposals that have been developed to achieve the transfer in Buckinghamshire.




That the proposed arrangements for the delivery of the Local Enterprise Partnership functions within Buckinghamshire, as set out at Section 4 of the Cabinet report, be AGREED.

Details of any conflict of interest declared: Cllr M Tett and G Williams declared a personal interest as Directors of the Local Enterprise Board

Contact: Rachael Shimmin, Chief Executive Email:

Report author: Sarah Ashmead

Publication date: 24/10/2023

Date of decision: 24/10/2023

Decided at meeting: 24/10/2023 - Cabinet

Effective from: 01/11/2023

Accompanying Documents: