Decision details

Decision Maker: Service Director Planning & Environment

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Buckinghamshire Council, in conjunction with Croudace Homes Ltd proposes to establish the Traffic Calming feature in the publicly maintained section of Stratford Drive, Wooburn Green. These works will consist of a raised table with ramps on Stratford Drive which will be located approx. 74 metres north of the junction of Town Lane and Stratford Drive.

Reasons for the decision:

There is a planning condition on this development to install a raised table on Stratford Drive under planning consent 18/05597/OUT. Thames Valley Police also have no objections to the scheme.

Alternative options considered:

The raised table was proposed by the developer. However, it was roughly in line with the former District Council’s view to calm traffic in consideration that the Slate’s Meadow development was going to introduce vehicle movements associated with 150+ houses to Stratford Drive, in addition to concerns about those generated by the existing St Pauls School. We do not believe that there was an absolute requirement for a raised table or that other schemes were actively discussed. Ergo, it would be up to the Highway Authority what would be the best measure to deploy in this location.

The pros of the raised table option:
a) Reduction in vehicle speeds creates a safer environment for pedestrians
b) Improved accessibility for pedestrians including wheel-chair and buggy users
c) Improved visual appearance of the area
d) This raised table is a condition of the developer’s planning consent and is therefore required.
Cons of the raised table option:
a) A short section of footway (approx. 6.5m in length) will lose a kerb upstand making it more difficult for the visually impaired to navigate and there will be less protection to the footway from vehicle overrun. We have attempted to mitigate the issue with the introduction of bollards in this area.

Wards Affected: The Wooburns, Bourne End & Hedsor;

Details of any conflict of interest declared: n/a NOTE: Jo Thornton has approved this decision and Steve Broadbent is in support.

Contact: Joe Bates, Transport Co-Ordinator Email:

Publication date: 16/01/2024

Date of decision: 16/01/2024

Accompanying Documents: