Decision details

Decision Maker: Corporate Director Planning, Growth and Sustainability

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Exemption from publication: There are confidential appendices to this report, which are exempt by virtue of paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of Part 1 of Schedule 12a of the Local Government Act 1972 because they contain information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

To document the granting of licences of part of the following 4 sites for planting of small urban tree parcels (approx. 250 sq m per site) during this planting season (23/24) at;
(a) Walton Court, Ashbourne End, Aylesbury,
(b) Booker Recreation Ground, Barry Close, High Wycombe,
(c) Totteridge Recreation Ground, Walton Drive, High Wycombe,
(d) Desborough Recreation Ground, Mill End Road, High Wycombe

Reasons for the decision:

Tree planting is one of the key projects to support the Council’s wider ambitions with respect to addressing climate change and reducing emissions to net zero by 2050. It also ties in with ambitions and strategic aim of enhancing the environment.

The proposed sites, identified as shaded green on the attached plans and each of approx. 250 sq m, are subject to final survey and completion of licence agreements between the Council and Conservation Education and Research Trust (which uses the working name Earthwatch Institute).

Earthwatch is an environmental charity that runs the urban woodland and community engagement programme known as 'Tiny Forest'. Tiny Forests are approximately the size of a tennis court and most often planted in an urban environment.

These sites are currently managed by Parks & Green Spaces. It is agreed the planting of the Tiny Forests will enhance the amenity and ecological biodiversity of each of the sites.

The sites have been reviewed by Investment & Development to ensure the Tiny Forests will not impact on potential higher value uses.

Operation of the Site:
Earthwatch will establish the Project for the Council by planting a Tiny Forest at the Sites, running a programme of community events, and providing initial equipment for that programme.

The Council will permit Earthwatch access to the Sites for ongoing monitoring of the urban woodland, running community engagement and citizen science activities for volunteers for the duration of the licence.

Responsibility for management of the trees will pass to the Climate Change Team when the 2-year agreement with Earthwatch ends. The Climate Change Fund will cover the maintenance costs for the Tiny Forests for the first 10 years. On this basis the Parks and Green Spaces Service has approved the proposal.

Alternative options considered:

The alternative option would be to leave the areas as open space. Given the very small area required for the Tiny Forest there is no detriment to the open nature of the areas. Further the Tiny Forest will have minimal impact on any proposed future development of the areas. The proposal supports the Council’s tree planting program target and the Government’s national ambition to increase the planting of trees across the UK.

Wards Affected: Aylesbury West; Booker, Cressex & Castlefield; Terriers & Amersham Hill; West Wycombe;

Details of any conflict of interest declared: There are no known conflicts of interest.

Contact: John Reed, Director of Property & Assets Email:

Publication date: 23/01/2024

Date of decision: 23/01/2024