Decision details

Decision Maker: Corporate Director Planning, Growth and Sustainability

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Exemption from publication: There are confidential appendices to this report, which are
exempt by virtue of paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of Part 1 of Schedule 12a of the Local
Government Act 1972 because they contain information relating to the financial or business
affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

To approve the sealing/completion of:
1. New Lease to Holmer Green Sports Association (HGSA);
2. Deeds of Surrender with the Parish Council and HGSA of their existing head lease and
3. Retrospective licence for alterations for the Padel courts to HGSA.
4. New licence for alterations for 3G pitch to HGSA.
5. A Rent Review Memorandum documenting the new rent to apply to the existing lease from

Reasons for the decision:

This OED follows the Leader Decision report dated 27th June 2023 where the recommendations were approved to agree the surrender and new lease, advertise the land by way of a public open space notice, to check that no objections were received and to grant the new lease once planning permission was granted.

The open space disposal notice procedure has been followed by the Council under Section
123(2A) Local Government Act 1972.Press notices were published for 2 consecutive weeks in
the local press and no objections or representations have been received. Therefore, the open
space disposal by the grant of a lease is to proceed. The legal documentation is prepared and
ready to be signed and sealed by both sides. In addition, the planning permission for the new
3G sports pitch has now been granted. Therefore, we require final approval to proceed to
complete the legal documents.

Alternative options considered:

Keep existing landlord and tenant relationship: The new landlord and tenant relationship
simplifies the lease structure

Wards Affected: Great Missenden; Penn Wood & Old Amersham;

Details of any conflict of interest declared: There are no known conflicts of interest.

Contact: John Reed, Director of Property & Assets Email:

Publication date: 11/03/2024

Date of decision: 07/03/2024