Decision details

Decision Maker: Service Director Property & Assets

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The surrender of the existing lease to the Town Council and grant of a lease for a larger area for an increased rent within the Knowledge Centre

Reasons for the decision:

This decision uses rarely used space with a Buckinghamshire Council building to increase rental income and improves relations with the Town Council and ensuring their commitment to the letting (they had previously considered finding larger alternative accommodation which would have left a void)

Alternative options considered:

1.Retain the status quo whereby Adult Learning occasionally used the room for classes. This would have left the Town Council looking for alternative space so they had room to expand meaning they would have surrendered/not renewed their current lease leaving a revenue pressure of £5500 per annum. There would be little or no income generation from the room being occupied under this proposal.
2.Find an alternative user for the underutilised room. As per above, this would have left the Town Council with no choice but to vacate their existing space and due to the layout of the building, this would not be an easy space to let.

Wards Affected: Buckingham East; Buckingham West;

Details of any conflict of interest declared: None

Contact: John Reed, Director of Property & Assets Email:

Publication date: 25/05/2021

Date of decision: 30/07/2020

Accompanying Documents: