Decision details

Decision Maker: Corporate Director Planning, Growth and Sustainability

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To sell to Last Mile Electricity Ltd for a token sum of £1, approximately 25m2 of land on Broom Way for the purposes of erecting and electricity sub-station

Reasons for the decision:

The Hughenden Quarter Upper Site is the final part of a local long-term regeneration strategy begun by Wycombe District Council some 15 years ago.
The Upper Site plans are for an estate of lock-up type light industrial workshops (HQube), a 68 unit residential block for affordable sale, and the upgrading of the access road (Bellfield Road) to adoptable standard.
In support of these development proposals the site has been provided with electricity, water, telecoms and drainage services. This decision is in connection with the electricity supply and is for a transfer of land for siting of an electricity sub-station

Alternative options considered:

There was no practical alternative for the decision to install a substation – the electricity supply in the vicinity was not adequate for the envisaged demand.
- Alternative locations for the substation were considered but for technical reasons in connection with supply cable lengths and on-going access and maintenance requirements the site proposed was considered to be the most appropriate.
- A long lease instead of a freehold disposal was considered but no significant advantage in this was identified.

Wards Affected: Downley;

Details of any conflict of interest declared: None

Contact: John Reed, Director of Property & Assets Email:

Publication date: 22/06/2021

Date of decision: 18/06/2021

Accompanying Documents: