Decision details

Decision Maker: Service Director Planning & Environment

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


This development brief is intended to offer guidance for the future development of the HW8 site to assist landowners and developers to formulate proposals that achieve wider objectives of the Local Plan. It seeks to define what is intended and what the benefits and impacts will be.
This consultation is not considering the principle of housing for this site which has already been settled through the Local Plan. It is dealing with how to deliver the housing and meet all the requirements of HW8 and other local and national planning policies
In summary this brief provides guidance to Wycombe Local Plan Policy HW8 which allocated the site for 350 dwellings, and set out requirements regarding the separation of Hazlemere and Holmer Green, comprehensive development, access and off site highway contributions, green infrastructure, flood risk and education.

Reasons for the decision:

A development brief has been prepared for policy HW8. The council wishes to consult the public on its contents. Delegated authority is required to approve that this planning brief goes out to consultation, for the council to consider any matters raised by the public, and make any alterations to the development brief and to adopt that development brief.

Alternative options considered:

To not approve the delegation. This option would mean that the council cannot assess public views of the development brief and make any amendments prior to its adoption.

Wards Affected: Hazlemere;

Details of any conflict of interest declared: None

Contact: Darran Eggleton Email:

Publication date: 27/09/2022

Date of decision: 31/05/2022

Accompanying Documents: