Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Report to consider the delivery options for the Little Marlow Lakes Country Park.


Cabinet received a report relating to the land between Globe Park/A404 Marlow and Bourne End, bounded to the south by the River Thames and to the north by the A4155. The area was covered by Green Belt designation, and most of it - including the former Gravel Yard at Spade Oak Lake (and the proposed Marlow Film Studios site at Westhorpe) – was former landfill, or former gravel pits. The area was dominated by Thames Water’s large sewage works (which used the Council’s Muschallick Road, which also served the former Gravel Yard, for frequent HGV access).


The report included proposals to develop a scheme for a Country Park which as a minimum would be a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) compliant facility.  The proposals to create a Country Park in the area had been first made in the 1960s and there was a lot of background including previous actions/decisions taken, or not taken, by the former Wycombe District Council.  The background was detailed in paragraphs 2.1 to 2.24 of the Cabinet report.


Cabinet took into account the detailed representations which had been submitted by residents, the parish council and local members which were published on 10 October 2022. The Director of Legal and Democratic Services outlined the independent Counsel advice received which confirmed that the essential elements of the Countryside and Right of Way Act 1968 had not been met by the former Council’s earlier decision. During discussion the Deputy Leader asked all Cabinet Members to confirm that they had read the detailed representations that were included with the supplementary agenda papers. All Cabinet Members confirmed that they had done this.



(1)               That the lack of formal designation for Little Marlow Lakes Country Park be NOTED.

(2)               That the Service Director of Culture, Sport and Leisure be authorised, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Accessible Housing and Resources, and Culture and Leisure, to develop a scheme and pursue formal designation of land within the Council’s ownership as a Country Park which as a minimum would be a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) compliant facility.

(3)               That it be agreed not to pursue formal designation to regularise the status of the whole area allocated in the Wycombe Local Plan (RUR4) as a Country Park as part of the initial phase of delivery but instead to retain a commitment to the wider Country Park as and when circumstances and resources permit.

(4)               That the Service Directors of Property and Assets, and Culture, Sport and Leisure, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Accessible Housing and Resources, and Culture and Leisure, be delegated authority to agree a suitable business plan and operating model for the Country Park which ensures the facility is delivered as a cost neutral enterprise. The business plan to be brought back to Cabinet for approval.

(5)               That the Service Directors of Property and Assets, and Planning and Environment, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Accessible Housing and Resources, be delegated authority to negotiate and agree a suitable restoration plan in consultation with Natural England for the Spade Oak Lake site which would be SANG compliant.

(6)               That the planning and enforcement strategy that may be required in order to protect the Local Planning Authority position and to facilitate an amended restoration plan at Spade Oak Lake be NOTED.

(7)               That the Service Director of Property and Assets in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Accessible Housing and Resources and the S151 Officer be delegated authority to negotiate and agree funding for the Country Park from S106 monies as set out in the Cabinet report.

(8)               That the Service Director of Property and Assets, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Accessible Housing and Resources, be delegated authority to enter into negotiations with the Thameside Preservation Trust on terms that would see the Country Park proposed in the Cabinet report to include both pieces of land set out in the Appendix.


Wards Affected: Flackwell Heath, Little Marlow & Marlow South East;

Details of any conflict of interest declared: None.

Contact: Steve Bambrick, Corporate Director Planning Growth & Sustainability Email:

Report author: Steve Bambrick

Publication date: 11/10/2022

Date of decision: 11/10/2022

Decided at meeting: 11/10/2022 - Cabinet

Effective from: 19/10/2022

This decision has been called in by:

  • Councillor Stuart Wilson who writes "I am giving notice of my intention to call in the Cabinet Decision on Little Marlow Lakes Country Park from the Cabinet meeting held last week. The call-in request is supported by the following Councillors: Robin Stuchbury, Paul Griffin, David Johncock, Tom Hunter-Watts, Gurinder Wadwha, Adam Poland-Goodyear, Anders Christensen, Alison Wheelhouse, David Watson, Penny Drayton, Darren Hayday, Peter Cooper, Ed Gemmell, Mohammad Fayyaz, Steven Lambert, Alex Collingwood, Susan Morgan, Julia Wassell, Mary Baldwin, Melanie Smith, Sarah James, Imran Hussain, Andrea Baughan, Matt Knight, Steve Guy, Nabeela Rana and Tim Dixon."

Accompanying Documents: