Decision details

Decision Maker: Corporate Director Planning, Growth and Sustainability

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To issue a renewed lease agreement for an additional term to the current tenant of the holding

Reasons for the decision:

The existing tenant has kept the land and stables in a good state of repair and condition. Renewing the lease for a further term ensures the property / land is maintained.
The terms of the lease renewal are in line with the market. The proposed lease renewal will generate a revenue to support delivery of the Council’s services and meeting the Council’s obligations under Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1954. Renewing the lease with continued occupation also prevents the Council incurring marketing fees and costs associated with vacant property.

Alternative options considered:

Other options available, and their pros and cons: To not renew the lease to the existing tenant but market the property to find an alternative occupier. This option would incur further fees in marketing, costs associated with a vacant property and loss of income over a void period which would be expected. This was therefore not considered as an option.

Wards Affected: Ridgeway East;

Details of any conflict of interest declared: There are no known conflicts of interest.

Contact: John Reed, Director of Property & Assets Email:

Publication date: 24/10/2022

Date of decision: 05/10/2022