Decision details

Decision Maker: Leader, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member Transport

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To enable the implementation of the Castlefield Traffic Calming scheme, High Wycombe.




The Leader notes the outcome of the public engagement and statutory consultation for the traffic calming measures.


The Leader delegates authority to the Service Director of Highways and Technical Service to complete detailed design following consultation. If necessary, change the scope to fit within the available budget, in line with the statutory process.


Service Director of Highways and Technical Service is delegated to approve contractual commitments including construction up to the value of the released capital-funded budget of £1,100,000 to deliver the Castlefield traffic calming scheme.

Wards Affected: Booker, Cressex & Castlefield;

Contact: Kevin Goad, Service Director - Highways and Technical Services Email:

Publication date: 23/04/2024

Date of decision: 01/05/2024

Effective from:

Current call-in Count: 0

Accompanying Documents: