Decision details

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member Planning and Regeneration, Leader

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The purpose of the Design Supplementary Planning Document is to ensure that new development across Aylesbury Vale is of the highest quality and that it responds appropriately to its context and is inclusive and sustainable. The Design Supplementary Planning Document sets out clear principles and objectives that aim to inspire developers and designers and assist landowners, developers, applicants and planners in the process of delivering high quality and well designed development.


The Leader is recommended to:


i.                 Approve for public consultation the Vale of Aylesbury Plan - Design Supplementary Planning Document

Wards Affected: Aston Clinton & Bierton; Aylesbury East; Aylesbury North; Aylesbury North West; Aylesbury South East; Aylesbury South West; Aylesbury West; Bernwood; Buckingham East; Buckingham West; Great Brickhill; Grendon Underwood; Ivinghoe; Stone & Waddesdon; Wendover, Halton & Stoke Mandeville; Wing; Winslow;

Contact: Simon Meecham, Lead Planning Policy Consultant Email:

Publication date: 31/12/2021

Date of decision: 11/01/2022

Accompanying Documents: