Issue - meetings

Meeting: 31/03/2020 - Shadow Executive (Item 13)

13 Risk Strategy pdf icon PDF 152 KB

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The purpose of the report is to present the Risk Management Strategy for approval.



To approve the Risk Management Strategy for Buckinghamshire Council. To note the risk process and work that will progress across the organisation post vesting day, to ensure that a robust risk framework is embedded.


Katrina Wood introduced the report which was to approve the Risk Management Strategy for Buckinghamshire Council and to note the risk

process and the work that would be undertaken post vesting day to ensure that a robust risk framework was embedded.  The strategy would be reviewed at least annually and was particularly important in the current situation.


Richard Ambrose added that a risk and governance lead had been allocated to each Covid-19 Community Cell and all issues were being added to the risk management system; R Ambrose stressed the importance of understanding the risks across the organisation.


Members of the Shadow Executive raised the following points in discussion:


  • It was commented that the scoring had increased from 24 to 30.  R Ambrose explained that a new scoring system was beneficial for the new Buckinghamshire Council as it would ensure officers understood the risks and dealt with them appropriately.
  • A member of the Shadow Executive asked if there was provision for escalating write-offs above a certain threshold to the Section 151 Officer and Cabinet Member.  R Ambrose confirmed that amounts over £10,000 would be escalated to him and that he would liaise with the relevant Corporate Director, head of finance and cabinet member(s).


RESOLVED:  The Shadow Executive APPROVED the Risk Management Strategy for Buckinghamshire Council and NOTED the risk process and work that would progress across the organisation post vesting day, to ensure that a robust risk framework was embedded.