Issue - meetings

Meeting: 18/02/2020 - Shadow Executive (Item 7)

7 Final Budget 2020/ 2021 pdf icon PDF 295 KB

Additional documents:


1.    This report sets out the proposed revenue budget and capital programme for Buckinghamshire Council (Appendices 1-3).

2.    This includes updates on the latest estimated funding position, service budget pressures and the key financial risks facing the Council in the future, along with the proposed Fees & Charges for the Council (Appendix 4).

3.    This report includes budgets and services funded by special expenses where relevant (see Appendices 5 and 6).

4.    The Council Tax Resolution which contains the final information from the other precepting authorities leading to the total Council Tax for the area will be presented to the Shadow Authority for approval on 27th February.




1.    To approve the revenue budget and capital programme (Appendices 1-3).

2.    To approve the updated Schedule of Fees and Charges (Appendix 4).

3.    To delegate any further required changes to the Schedule of Fees and Charges to the S151 Officer, in consultation with the Leader, during the period post final budget up to 31st March 2020.

4.    To agree the delegation of decisions to add up to £100m to the Capital programme, to be funded by Prudential Borrowing, to the Cabinet (see section 9.10).

5.    To agree the delegation of decisions to add projects relating to the current HIF bids to the capital programme to the Cabinet (see section 9.11).

6.    To approve the ‘Special Expenses’ budgets and precept for Aylesbury Town, High Wycombe Town and West Wycombe Church Yard (Appendix 5 & 6).


M Tett introduced the final budget report which had previously been discussed and amended to incorporate recommendations made by the budget task and finish scrutiny committee and changes in the governments finance settlement.  M Tett highlighted the following keys areas of change:

  • An additional amount from the New Homes Bonus.
  • Release of contingencies in some areas.
  • Additional £1m for plane and patch works which would start once the weather improved.
  • Increased funding for the Social Worker Academy to reduce workload on existing social work staff.
  • £5m special priorities fund had been allocated to climate change in response to scrutiny recommendations.


The investment in Children’s Services was welcomed by the Portfolio Holder and it was stated that this investment was on top of the money already invested by the county council over recent years.



1.    To approve the revenue budget and capital programme (Appendices 1-3).

2.    To approve the updated Schedule of Fees and Charges (Appendix 4).

3.    To delegate any further required changes to the Schedule of Fees and Charges to the S151 Officer, in consultation with the Leader, during the period post final budget up to 31st March 2020.

4.    To agree the delegation of decisions to add up to £100m to the Capital programme, to be funded by Prudential Borrowing, to the Cabinet (see section 9.10).

5.    To agree the delegation of decisions to add projects relating to the current HIF bids to the capital programme to the Cabinet (see section 9.11).

To approve the ‘Special Expenses’ budgets and precept for Aylesbury Town, High Wycombe Town and West Wycombe Church Yard (Appendix 5 & 6).