Agenda and minutes

Venue: via Video Conference

Contact: Leslie Ashton 


Webcast: View the webcast

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

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Apologies had been received from Councillor C Jones.


Declarations of Interest

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Councillor J Waters declared a personal and prejudicial interest in application PL/20/0842/FA as he knew one of the objectors. . Councillor Waters advised that he would leave the meeting for the duration of this item and take no part in the deliberation or subsequent vote. Councillor P Jones also declared a personal interest in application PL/20/0842/FA as he knew the objector who had provided a written statement to be read out but the objector was not a close associate of his.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 546 KB

To note the minutes of the meeting held on 16 June 2020.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 16 June 2020 were agreed as an accurate record.


Report on Main List of Applications pdf icon PDF 557 KB

Great Missenden



Ward: Ballinger South Heath and Chartridge



Proposal: Erection of three dwellings each with a garage and amenity space.  Demolition of existing garage and replacement with a new garage to rear of Holly Cottage.  New vehicular access to be obtained from the construction of a private drive connecting to Ballinger Road via the existing driveway serving Holly Cottage.


Recommendation: Refuse permission


Holly Cottage, Ballinger Road, South Heath, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, HP16 9QH



Great Missenden



Ward: Great Missenden



Proposal: Variation of Condition 18 of planning permission CH/2015/1417/FA (Erection of six new dwellings with access from Twitchell Road, two detached garage blocks, parking areas and landscaping (scheme amended from seven to six dwellings) to omit garage block for plots 4-6 and replace with smaller garage for plots 5 and 6 with adjusted parking space siting, hard paving and front garden layouts for plots 4-6.


Recommendation: Defer, minded to approve, subject to the prior completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement, with the decision delegated to the Service Director for Planning


Rear of 82 High Street, Land off Peters Close, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, HP16 0AN


Additional documents:


Having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item, Councillor J Waters left the meeting at this point.


PL/20/0842/FA – Holly Cottage, Ballinger Road, South Heath, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, HP16 9QH


Proposal: Erection of three dwellings each with a garage and amenity space. Demolition of existing garage and replacement with a new garage to rear of Holly Cottage. New vehicular access to be obtained from the construction of a private drive connecting to Ballinger Road via the existing driveway serving Holly Cottage.



·         Since the report had been published, the applicant had submitted a detailed ecological survey report which concluded that the only ecological constraints were two small common pipistrelle bat roosts, one of which was in the existing garage and would be lost as part of this proposal. Works could not commence until a license had been obtained from Natural England. The submitted report included mitigation measures to ensure bats would not be harmed, and were permission to be granted, these could be secured by condition. Therefore, officers proposed to remove reason two from the recommended reasons for refusal. 

·         The Planning Officer advised of a correction to page 11 of the agenda pack which related to relevant planning history and noted that there was ‘none at the application site’. However, the application PL/18/3410/OA referred to did include part of the current site.

·         Written statement read out from objector: Mrs A Pummell

·         Speaking for the applicant, the agent: Mr A Bateson


It was proposed by Councillor J Gladwin, seconded by J Wertheim and resolved:


That the application be refused for reason 1 as outlined in the officer report and for the additional reason of being contrary to policy GC3 due to the proposal affecting the amenities of the neighbouring property, namely the visual impact of appearing intrusive and overbearing and the loss of privacy as a result of overlooking.



Councillor J Waters re-joined the meeting.


PL/20/1027/VRC – Rear of 82 High Street, Land off Peters Close, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, HP16 0AN


Proposal: Variation of Condition 18 of planning permission CH/2015/1417/FA (Erection of six new dwellings with access from Twitchell Road, two detached garage blocks, parking areas and landscaping (scheme amended from seven to six dwellings) to omit garage block for plots 4-6 and replace with smaller garage for plots 5 and 6 with adjusted parking space siting, hard paving and front garden layouts for plots 4-6.




·         There was a slight changing to the wording of the officer recommendation to provide for consistency and to allow for an officer delegation to refuse the application if a section 106 planning obligation agreement could not be completed. The officer recommendation would therefore read ‘Delegate to the Director of Planning and Environment to approve subject to conditions and a satisfactory prior completion of a section 106 planning obligation agreement relating to affordable housing. If a section 106 agreement cannot be completed the application is to be refused for such reasons as considered appropriate.

·         Speaking for the applicant, the agent: Mr D Parker  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Times of Future Meetings

To decide on a start time for future meetings of the East Area Planning Committee.

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The Committee held a discussion on the start times of future meetings.


It was proposed by Councillor N Rose, seconded by Councillor J MacBean and resolved:


That future meetings of the East Buckinghamshire Area Planning Committee would commence at 6.30 p.m.


Date and Time of the Next Meeting

Tuesday 28 July 2020 at 6.30 p.m. (time subject to decision made under item 5)

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Tuesday 28 July 2020 at 6.30 p.m.