Agenda and minutes
Venue: High Wycombe Council Chamber, Queen Victoria Road, High Wycombe, HP11 1BB. View directions
Contact: Liz Hornby
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: There were none. |
To note the minutes of the meeting held on 10 December 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 10 December 2024 were agreed as an accurate record. |
PL/24/1061/FA - The White House, Lower Road, Gerrards Cross, SL9 8LG Additional documents: Minutes: Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 2 pairs of semi-detached dwellings and 2 detached dwellings.
This application was the subject of a site visit.
Members voted in favour of the motion to refuse the application for the following reasons:
1. The proposed development would result in the introduction of six dwellings. The application site and wider area are largely composed of detached dwellings set within large plots at a much lower density than that proposed. Paragraph 135 of the NPPF requires that developments should be visually attractive and sympathetic to local character. It is considered that as a result of the scale, layout and quantum of proposed dwellings that the development would result in a much denser arrangement than is typical of the locality and would fail to be sympathetic to the existing character of the area. The proposed scheme would therefore fail to accord with the design aspirations of part 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2024), CP8 of South Bucks District Core Strategy (2011), and policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (1999).
2. The occupants of the proposal would add to the recreational disturbance of the Burnham Beeches Special Area of Conservation as the proposal would not contribute satisfactorily to mitigate its impacts in this respect. In the absence of a planning obligation to secure suitable strategic access management and monitoring, to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority, the proposal is contrary to Core Policy 9 of the Core Strategy and Section 15 of the NPPF.
Speaking in objection: Ms Diane Holden Speaking on behalf of the applicant: Ms Mark Longworth
It was proposed by Councillor G Sandy and seconded by Councillor S Chhokar
Resolved: that the application be refused for the reasons outlined above. |
PL/24/2369/FA - Go Ape, Black Park Country Park, Black Park Road, Wexham, SL3 6DS Additional documents: Minutes: Construction of axe throwing range, mini electric vehicle track and installation of storage containers.
Members voted in favour of the motion to approve the application subject to the conditions as set out in the officer’s report.
Speaking on behalf of Wexham Parish Council: Cllr Geoffrey Spring Speaking on behalf of the applicant: Mr Dan Stafford
It was proposed by Councillor G Sandy and seconded by Councillor S Chhokar
Resolved: that the application be approved. |
Date of Next Meeting Wednesday 5 February 2025 at 6.40pm. (Please note change of day/date and time) Additional documents: Minutes: The Clerk informed the Committee that the date as quoted in the agenda was no longer applicable and that the revised date for the next Committee would be Tuesday, 4 February 2025 at 2.30pm. |
Availability of Members Attending Site Visits (if required) To confirm members’ availability to undertake site visits on xxxxx, if required Additional documents: |