Agenda and minutes

Venue: via Video Conference


Webcast: View the webcast

No. Item


Introductory remarks by the Chairman

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The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and members and officers assisting the members were introduced. Also in attendance were the applicant, a representative of the responsible authority (Buckinghamshire Council), and three individuals who had submitted representations on this application.


Apologies for absence

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There were no apologies for absence.


Declarations of interest

To receive any disclosure of disclosable pecuniary interests by Members relating to any items on the agenda. If any Member is uncertain as to whether an interest should be disclosed, he or she is asked to contact the Legal Advisor prior to the meeting.

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There were no declarations of interest. All parties indicated that they had no objections to the membership of the Sub Committee.


Hearing Procedure Rules pdf icon PDF 516 KB

To note the hearing procedure rules and virtual licensing sub-committee procedural rules.

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All present confirmed that they had read and understood the hearing procedure rules which applied to this hearing.


Application for a new Premises Licence - Wing Supermarket, 16 Stewkley Road, Buckinghamshire LU7 0NE pdf icon PDF 532 KB

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Members were asked to consider an application for a new premises licence, in respect of which relevant representations had been received. The application had been submitted by Mr Sethjit Singh (“the applicant”) in respect of Wing Supermarket at 16 Stewkley Road, Bucks LU7 0NE (“the premises”).


Following a detailed discussion all parties present confirmed that they were satisfied that they had received a fair hearing and had nothing further to add. The Sub-Committee retired to make its decision which can be seen in the attached decision notice.