Agenda and minutes
Venue: MS Teams
Contact: Iram Malik
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Dame Gillan MP, Mr R Chalmers (Oasis), Mr J Ratcliff and Mr P Stack (Chiltern Rangers).
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING To approve as a true record the minutes of the last meeting held on 17 November 2020 Minutes: RESOLVED The minutes of the meeting held 17 November 2020 were AGREED an accurate record.
The following representatives of Beaconsfield Town Council (BTC) declared their interest in item 6, BTC having submitted a funding application: Cllr J Read, Cllr A Dunlop, Cllr P Bastiman, Cllr A Cranmer, and Cllr P Hogan.
The following representatives of Penn Parish Council (PPC) declared an interest in item 6, having submitted a funding application: PPC Cllr J Waters, Cllr M Morley, Cllr K Dicker and Cllr D Marsden,
The following representatives of Hazlemere Parish PC (HPC) declared an interest in item 6, HPC having supported the Hazlemere Scouts with their funding application: Cllr A Cecil.
Declarations noted refer to items discussed at this meeting only.
CHAIRMAN`S UPDATE Minutes: Video 17m 36s The Chairman and Vice Chairman gave a local area update.
The following points where highlighted:
FUNDING UPDATE Minutes: Video 26m 42s Mr A Chapman, Community Board Co-ordinator provided a brief update on the Board’s budget
WORKING GROUP UPDATES AND FUNDING APPLICATIONS o Dementia Friendly Community – Cllr David Johncock o Covid Recovery & Regeneration – Cllr David Watson o Highways & Traffic – Cllr David Johncock o Community & Open Spaces – Cllr Jonathan Waters
Hazlemere Scout Hut – Malcolm Waters Nest Swings – Cllr Kate Dicker, Penn P.C Beaconsfield Community Garden – Alexa Collins, Beaconsfield T.C o
Minutes: Video 30m
Covid Recovery & Regeneration – Cllr D Watson
Highways & Traffic – Cllr D Johncock
Community & Open Spaces – Cllr J Waters
Funding applications Where a vote is required (where there is not consensus) then this will be by a show of hands of formal board members present. Prior to such a vote, the Chairman may upon his/her discretion take an indicative vote of representatives from local organisations, including town and parish councils, who are present. Each organisation will have ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE CULTURAL STRATEGY PDF 2 MB A discussion on potential local cultural projects. Ruth Page (Culture & Leisure Services Development Manager) and Lallie Davis (Partnerships & Strategy Manager, Buckinghamshire Culture)
Minutes: Video 1h 18m Ms R Page, Culture & Leisure Services Development Manager and Ms L Davis, Partnerships & Strategy Manager, and Cllr P Hogan, Cabinet Member for Culture gave a presentation a copy of which would be appended to these minutes.
The following points were highlighted:
Following discussion several existing local groups/projects were identified: o The Beaconsfield Society, who had already made a start with walking and cycling route maps. They were open to expanding these to include children and would like to create a literary walk celebrating local authors. o The Beaconsfield Film School, whose students were often looking for ideas for local projects. o A local textile group. o Schools. o The Widmer End Monster Trail, which had been successful in two different locations but had led to damaged footpaths and litter. o The Beaconsfield Archive Project, who were interested in creating information boards and linking with school history curriculum projects, but were also in need of suitable storage space o A local resident who had started her own children’s heritage trial to be launched shortly.
The following ideas were raised:
NEIGHBOURHOOD MATTERS (Please note that we cannot guarantee having time at the meeting for all questions, but will respond separately) Written questions in advance to
Minutes: Written questions were requested in advance of the meeting, no questions were received.
Hazlemere Parish Council had noted an increase in scam calls locally. Mr A Simone, Trading Standards, would be invited to a future meeting to give a presentation.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday 29 June 2021, 7pm on Teams Minutes: Tuesday 29 June 2021, 7pm |