Agenda and minutes
Contact: Iram Malik
No. | Item |
Chairman's Welcome Minutes: The Chairman welcomed all those present at the meeting, outlined online etiquette and encouraged their full participation on any issues that were within the remit of the Board.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors: Bracken, Dormer, Gemmell and Watson.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were received |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting. PDF 612 KB To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 February 2022. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 1 February 2022 be confirmed as a true record subject to the inclusion of Mr Cogger on the list of those present. It was also noted that Councillor Broom was in attendance at the October meeting of the Board.
Community Matters Public Questions and Updates from Local Consultations Minutes: The Chairman highlighted that the Local Plan consultation had come to an end in February and that there would be a report to follow in due course. He also gave mention to the forthcoming consultation on boundary changes.
A Member raised a query regards the Transport Strategy. It was confirmed that an update would be provided as soon as possible.
Review of Projects Minutes: Members` attention was drawn to the interactive dementia awareness experience which would take place on 17 May in the Town Hall in Beaconsfield. Participation was encouraged. A link to all attendees would be sent.
Proud of Bucks nomination winners had been announced, and a number of highly commended certificates had been handed out to a number of people. It was also highlighted that Beaconsfield had the greatest number of households which had taken in Ukranian refugees. Details of refugee drop in sessions at the local library were mentioned to help provide signposting information to them. Some discussion also took place with regards to changes in recycling and waste collection, and changes to green waste collection in particular. It was brought to the Board`s attention that consultation on the matter was yet to commence, and that letters to households would be disseminated shortly, which would help clarify a number of questions.
Another Member raised a question about housing supply and the numbers of homes that were needed, and the formula that was being used to calculate the numbers. It was confirmed that clarification would be sought from the relevant persons. |
Community Board Updates PDF 555 KB An Update for Community Boards from Buckinghamshire Council
Funding Report
Action Plan
Action Groups To be presented by the Action Group Chairmen Health and Wellbeing Environment Highways Minutes: The Chairman confirmed that the availability of funding to the Boards had been reduced from £3.9 to £2m which was to be shared across each of the 16 Boards. As such it was had become increasingly important to target the funds. In addition any project which requested more than £1k would require contributory funding towards it.
Another change which had been introduced was that the process for smaller local projects which required smaller sums would be made quicker and would not be subject to all the stages currently needed. A new form for such projects would be implemented shortly.
Action Plan
The 4 areas which the Board would focus on included:
Highways (Cllr Johncock) Environment (Cllr Oliver) Health & Wellbeing (Cllr Wheelhouse) 23 May 7.30pm first meeting. Young People & Youth Services (Cllr Thomas)
The importance of identifying one or two main areas of focus within each action group was highlighted.
Cllr Johncock provided a brief update on the progress of the Highways sub group stating that whilst only one meeting had taken place since January, work remained ongoing on various projects, and that the next meeting was to be held on 17 May. It was noted that a number of community speed watch signs had been installed in the Chepping Wye parish area.
A very concerned local resident provided the Board with information regarding the dangers of the street in Halls Corner and that work on this project which had been previously approved had still not commenced. It was requested that additional pressure be brought to bear for the completion of the works.
RESOLVED: That this be taken as an action by Cllrs Waters and Johncock
Topics for Future Consideration Minutes: RESOLVED: That,
(i) A Youth & Young People Speaker be requested to speak on the establishment of such an action group.
(ii) Cllr Steve Broadbent be invited to speak regarding parking problems within Hazlemere.
Community Board Meeting Dates 2022/23. Community Engagement Event – Summer 2022 12 October 2022 25 January 2023 (tbc) Minutes: Future meetings of the Board were expected to be held on 12 October 2022, and 25 January 2023. These would be confirmed in due course.
It was also agreed that a Community Board Engagement Event would be held during the summer. A number of potential locations for the event were considered and it was,
RESOLVED: That Caroline Green would be responsible for the organisation of the Community Engagement Event as matter of priority. |
Any Other Business Minutes: Mr Cogger brought to the attention of Board Members that the Red Kite development in Loudwater which had reached completion 6 weeks ago still remained overwhelmingly empty. He expressed some concern that this was the case when waiting lists for accommodation were so long. This was duly noted.