Agenda and minutes
Contact: Caroline Green
No. | Item |
CHAIRMAN`S WELCOME online etiquette, and brief introduction to the Community Board (for the benefit of new members) Minutes: Councillor Jonathan Waters welcomed everyone to the meeting and reminded all that the meeting would be recorded. Councillor Steven Barrett was introduced as the newly appointed Vice Chairman. The action group Chairmen were also thanked for the work that they had undertaken. Thames Valley Police were unable to attend, however a report would be attached to the meeting notes following the meeting.
For future meetings, questions should be submitted in advance for the Police – ACTION - ALL |
APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies had been received from Christina Darley, Councillor Nathan Thomas, Councillor Andrew Wood and Thames Valley Police. |
MINUTES OF LAST MEETING PDF 125 KB To confirm as a correct record the minutes of 8 February 2023 Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were approved as a correct record. The following updates were provided:
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive any declarations of interest Minutes: None |
Public questions, updates of local consultations, petitions, and Corporate Updates Minutes: No public questions had been received and there were no local consultations. The Corporate Update was presented by David Skinner, Service Director for Finance, this report was attached to the agenda pack.
THAMES VALLEY POLICE (LOCAL UPDATE) PDF 167 KB Sgt Hedley Gabriel and Sgt Mark Palethorpe Minutes: Thames Valley Police gave apologies to the meeting. |
COMMUNITY SAFETY (BUCKINGHAMSHIRE COUNCIL) Eve Chason Minutes: Gideon Springer, Head of Service for Community Safety, Buckinghamshire Council gave a presentation which would be circulated with the meeting notes. The following points were highlighted:
CLEAN UP OUR AIR CAMPAIGN Deborah Ferady and Cerys Williams
Minutes: Deborah Ferady, Environmental Protection Officer gave a presentation which would be circulated with the notes. The following points were highlighted:
COMMUNITY BOARD UPDATES (funding report will be shared with the meeting notes) Caroline Green/Cllr Jonathan Waters Funding report – what we have for the year. Matchfunding. Support/advice from community
Action Groups Youth Engagement
Proud of Bucks Minutes: The following points were discussed:
Action Group Summaries
Highways and Transport (HAT) – Cllr David Johncock
Environment – Cllr Catherine Oliver
Wellbeing – Cllr Alison Wheelhouse · Overview given of projects supported |
TOPICS FOR FUTURE CONSIDERATION Minutes: Next Board meeting on 11 October at 1930 (venue/Teams tbc) – any suggestions to be forwarded to Caroline Green |