Agenda and minutes
Venue: Jubilee Pavilions, High Street, Iver, SL0 9PW
Contact: Aniqah Sultan (Community Board Co-ordinator). Elly Cook (Democratic Services Meeting Support)
No. | Item |
Chairman's Introduction and Welcome To be presented by the Chairman, Cllr Wendy Matthews. Minutes: The Chairman, Councillor Wendy Matthews, welcomed the Community Board to the meeting. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies had been received from R Bagge, T Egleton, S Keyes, O Kraus, D Ryder and P Stanhope. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Notes of the previous meeting to be signed off by the board. Minutes: The notes of the meeting held on 20 April 2022 were agreed as an accurate record. |
Community Safety Team Presentation (Virtual) PDF 481 KB Update to be provided by Chris Geen, Buckinghamshire Council. Minutes: The Community Board received a virtual presentation from Chris Geen (Community Safety Team Leader and Serious Organised/Violent Crime Lead) on the work of the Community Safety Team. The following key points were made during the presentation: The Community Safety Team were responsible for delivering:
Safeguarding/Modern Slavery/Exploitation:
The Domestic Abuse Team were responsible for:
The Anti-Social Behaviour Team were responsible for:
In response to a question regarding what was happening in the Community Board area, Chris explained that he was aware that there were some anti-social behaviour issues in the area which the Anti-Social Behaviour Team were dealing with. Chris advised that the team was working with Sergeant Dan Ryder from Thames Valley Police to look into whether there was any work which could be done with young people and youth groups in the area. This would require funding and therefore the help of other organisations would be needed. Julie Cook (Iver Parish Council) was aware of some work ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Petition - Iverdale Close, Iver Minutes: Petition - Iverdale Close, Iver
Councillor Luisa Sullivan made reference to the report attached to the agenda regarding Iverdale Close in Iver. The report referred to an e-petition, which had been received by Buckinghamshire Council, requesting for a speed table at the junction of Iverdale Close and Mansion Lane and further vertical traffic calming measure in the vicinity of No 52 Mansion Lane. The e-petition had attracted 71 signatures. Concern had been raised by residents that there had been damage caused to wing mirrors of parked vehicles on Mansion Lane due to the “speed of the cars travelling along Mansion Lane….pets run over and near misses of those exiting Iverdale Close”.
Having noted the reasons set out in the report as to why Buckinghamshire Council would not provide capital funding for traffic calming measures at the entrance at Iverdale Close and on Mansion Lane, the Community Board discussed the issues raised by the petitioners. The Community Board felt that the alternative option, as set out in section 3 of the report, was not a viable option as would be unlikely to resolve the situation.
In recognition of the need to improve highway safety and reduce speed in the area, it was agreed that Councillor Sullivan would ask Neil O’Leary, Network Safety Team Leader –TfB, and the Local Area Technician whether there was some signage that could be provided which could help highlight the hidden junction and slow the speed of vehicles down. Councillor Sullivan would also enquire about whether a safety traffic mirror would be beneficial. It was noted that Councillor Sullivan would update the Community Board at the next meeting. Action: Councillor Sullivan |
Family Services To be presented by Debbie Hulme, Buckinghamshire Council. Minutes: The Community Board received an update on Buckinghamshire’s Family Support Service from Debbie Hulme (Community Co-ordinator, Buckinghamshire Council). Debbie explained that the service provided a range of support for parents and children aged up to 19 years (or up to 25 years for young people with special educational needs and disabilities). An information leaflet was circulated to the Community Board, which set out the different levels of support that were offered by the Service and how these could be accessed:
Debbie advised that there was a Family Centre in Iver which ran a number of activities, including ‘play and explore’ and ‘messy play’ sessions. More information on these activities and the support which the Service provides could be found online at This includes information on a range of virtual and face to face courses for young people, such as ‘how to be confident and feel better about yourself’ and ‘how to cope with stress, anxiety and feeling low’. There was also information available on a number of parenting programmes and resources.
A suggestion was made that information leaflets on the role of the Service could be made available at the Iver Christmas Lights Event, which was taking place at Iver Village Hall.
The Community Board thanked Debbie for her update. |
Buckinghamshire Council Youth Support Presentation PDF 1 MB To be presented by Stuart Parker, Buckinghamshire Council. Minutes: The Community Board received a presentation from Stuart Parker, Buckinghamshire Council’s Community Youth Service Development Manager. The first half of the presentation covered the work of the Family Support Service Community Youth Team. The following key points were made:
The second half of the presentation focused on the proposal to improve youth participation in Community Boards. The following key points were made:
Helping Hand Presentation PDF 2 MB Minutes: The Chairman, Councillor Wendy Matthews, provided an overview of the work carried out by Buckinghamshire Council’s Helping Hand Team. The slides from the presentation would be attached to these notes. The following key points were made during the presentation:
They were run by Buckinghamshire Council, council partners and other local organisations. Welcoming Spaces were currently available at main libraries and community libraries, as well as some local churches and halls. More information, including an online directory of Welcoming Spaces in Buckinghamshire, was available on the Council’s webpages. · Following the Government’s ‘Levelling Up’ White Paper, Buckinghamshire Council carried out extensive work to draw up a local approach to promote better opportunity for everyone. The result was the Council’s new programme entitled “Opportunity Bucks- Succeeding for All.” The programme would focus on 10 wards, where there were significant challenges and people were facing hardship. The 10 wards were in parts of Aylesbury, High Wycombe and Chesham. The launch event would take place on 7th December and would bring together key stakeholders to discuss the next steps of the project. The 5 themes were: health and wellbeing, standard of living, quality of public realm, jobs and education. Initial action plans were being developed. A locally-focused approach would be used, which would be led by the local Community Boards.
The Community Board thanked Councillor Matthews for the presentation.
Ivers Hive To be presented by Ann Mayling. Minutes: The Community Board received an update from Ann Mayling on the Ivers Hive, which was a community support group run by volunteers that supported families across the Ivers. The following points were raised during the update:
The Community Board thanked Ann for the update. |
Food Bank To be presented by the Chairman, Cllr Wendy Matthews. Minutes: The Community Board received an update from the Chairman, Councillor Wendy Matthews, on the Foodbank which was held every Friday 10.30am-12.00pm at The Pavillion on Iver Heath Recreational Ground. The following points were made during the update:
The Community Board thanked Councillor Matthews for the update.
Libraries To be presented by Margaret Tait and Joanna Ward. Minutes: The Community Board received an update on Iver Heath Community Library from Margaret Tait (Iver Heath Community Library) and Joanna Ward (Library Manager, Buckinghamshire Library Service). The following points were made during the update:
In the discussion which followed, Margaret stated that she would welcome any suggestions for events/activities that people would like to be held/run at the library. She intended to visit retirement homes and sheltered housing in the area to find out what residents would like to do at the library. Debbie Hulme advised that Margaret was welcome to attend some of the family events held at the Ivers Family Centre to find out what families would be interested in.
It was noted that there was also a Social Library, run by Wexham Parish Council and Wexham Parish Residents Association, which was held every 3rd Saturday in the month starting at 2pm at the Harvey Memorial Hall on George Green Road.
The Community Board thanked Margaret and Joanna for their update.
Buckinghamshire Council Update PDF 172 KB Update to be provided by Sarah Keyes, Buckinghamshire Council. Minutes: Makyla Devlin (Senior Community Board Manager) introduced the Buckinghamshire Council Update document, which had been circulated as part of the agenda reports pack. The update highlighted that the Council had a number of initiatives to help with the cost of living crisis including the helping hands scheme, welcoming spaces and information and advice.
Support for Ukrainian guests continued across the county. The Council continued to work hard to make sure families could access schooling, work, finance, practical items, English language lessons and emotional support through the Helping Hand for Ukraine Scheme. The Council continued to also work with its voluntary sector colleagues and local community groups to support families.
It was noted that Buckinghamshire Council would be starting new highways contracts in April 2023 and that these would impact on Community Board projects currently in the pipeline. Given the changes to the Highway Service, Community Boards should not accept any additional applications highway schemes in 2022/23 and no further projects should be submitted for consideration for 2023/24. Community Boards would be consulted on the development of a new protocol and process for Highway Schemes during the transition to the new contract ready for April 2023. The new highways working arrangement would include a community based design delivery model for small schemes specifically for Community Boards to develop their local highway schemes.
Members of the Community Board were asked to let Aniqah Sultan (Community Board Manager) know if they had any questions regarding the update, which she would then forward onto Sarah Keyes (Service Director for Human Resources and Organisational Development, Buckinghamshire Council).
Written Policing Update PDF 188 KB To receive a written policing update. Minutes: The Community Board noted the written policing update, which had been circulated with the agenda pack.
Verbal Budget Update and Current Projects To receive a verbal budget and current projects update. Minutes: Aniqah Sultan (Community Board Manager) provided an update on the Community Board budget and current projects. The following points were raised:
Proud of Bucks Minutes: The Community Board Manager announced that the Proud of Bucks awards were back. The awards were to recognise local people for their outstanding community contributions during 2022. Nominations would open on 9th January 2023 until 12th February 2023 and the awards would be presented at a local event in Spring.
The Nomination Categories were as follows and there would be 1 winner and 1 highly commended per category for each Community Board area: · Local Community Champion - For an individual (over age 21) who had made a clear and positive impact in their local community during 2022. · Young Community Champion - For a young person (under age 21) who had made a clear and positive impact in their local community or towards their peers during 2022. · Community Group Contribution - Recognises and celebrates a group in the Community Board area who had made a clear and positive impact on the community during 2022.
Date of next meeting TBC Minutes: The date of the next meeting was scheduled for 7.00pm on 21 February 2023 at the Harvey Memorial Hall.