Agenda and minutes
Venue: MS Teams Virtual Meeting
Contact: Christina Beevers
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item | |
Election of Chairman & Vice- Chairman Additional documents: Minutes: Ms K Tamlyn opened the meeting and welcomed all to the meeting. Mr G Drawmer asked for nominations for the election of Chairman. Mrs K Tamlyn was nominated. The forum was asked to vote on the nominee.
RESOLVED: The forum APPOINTED Mrs K Tamlyn as the Chairman.
Mrs K Tamlyn as the new Chairman asked for nominations for the Vice- Chairman. Ms J Cochrance was nominated and the forum took a vote.
RESOLVED: The forum APPOINTED Ms J Cochrane as the Vice- Chairman
Apologies & Memberships of Sub- Committees Additional documents: Minutes:
Apologies were received from:
Ms E Williams- Head of Finance (CYP)- Buckinghamshire Council Ms J Divers – Turnfurlong Junior School Ms D Rutley- Aspire
Election of sub-groups- The chairmen of the subgroups were agreed as follows:
Contingency Group: Meet once yearly- Feb/March- 4 members required Vacancy- (Chairman) Ms J Freeman Mrs E Stewart Mr K Shabbir
SFFG- meet prior to each School Forum (SF) meeting: Jeanette Cochrane- Chairman Vacancy- Vice Chairman Ms K Tamlyn Ms G Bull Ms J Antrobus Ms E Stewart Mr K Shabbir
Maintained Schools Sub-committee (De-Delegation)- Annual meeting. Janice Freeman (Chairman). Remainder of membership remained as previously- Maintained Schools Reps A meeting date was agreed- Wednesday 16 November 2022- 1pm- MS Teams Meeting. It was agreed any reports from trade unions would need to be submitted by 09 November 2022.
The DSG Spending Review Group- Simon James- (Chairman) Ms J Cochrane Ms G Bull Mr E Hillyard Mr B Taylor
Declarations of Interest To disclose any Personal or Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 101 KB To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 28 June 2022.
Additional documents: Minutes:
AOB Additional documents: Minutes: There were no items of AOB. |
Date of Next Meting Tuesday 06 December 2022- 1.30pm The Oculus, The Gateway, Aylesbury. Additional documents: Minutes: Tuesday 06 December 2022- 1.30pm. The Oculus, Buckinghamshire Council, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury HP19 8FF |