Agenda and minutes
Venue: Via MS Teams - Virtual. View directions
Contact: Christina Beevers
Webcast: View the webcast
No. | Item | ||||||
Election of Chairman Additional documents: Minutes: Mr G Drawmer opened the meeting and advised the forum was still without a Chairman, he handed over to Ms Beevers to advise of the process.
The four nominations for Chairman received were for: Ms J Cochrane Ms G Bull Ms J Freeman Mr A Gillespie
Ms C Beevers advised as 2 of the 4 nominees had sent apologies for the meeting that it had been agreed that a conversation would take place offline to decide on a Chairman. Ms G Bull agreed to Chair the meeting in absence of a permanent Chairman.
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from:
Cllr A Cranmer- Buckinghamshire Council Mr S James- Buckinghamshire Council Ms J Cochrane- Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School Ms J Pearce- Waterside Primary Academy Ms S Barcock-Wood- National Education Union Mrs J Freeman – King’s Wood School
Declarations of Interest To disclose any Personal or Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 142 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 06 December 2022 were AGREED as an accurate record.
The actions from the meeting held on 06 December 2022 were reviewed and AGREED as completed or carried forward.
Revenue Budget Monitoring 2022-23 PDF 122 KB To be presented by Ms E Williams, Head of Finance (Children’s Services)- Buckinghamshire Council.
Additional documents: Minutes: Ms E Williams, Head of Finance (Children’s Services)- Buckinghamshire Council gave an overview of the report provided.
Recommendations: Schools Forum is asked to note the revenue budget monitoring forecast at the end of December 2022 (Period 9).
Resolved: Schools Forum NOTED the revenue budget monitoring forecast at the end of December 2022 (Period 9).
School Budget Proposals 2023-24 PDF 218 KB To be presented by Ms E Williams, Head of Finance (Children’s Services) and Mr J Carter, Schools Management Accountant-Buckinghamshire Council.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Ms E Williams, Head of Finance (Children’s Services)- Buckinghamshire Council gave an overview of the report provided.
DSG Allocation 2023-24 Recommendations: a) To recommend that Buckinghamshire Council sets the overall Dedicated Schools Budget at £579.4m in line with the funding allocation announced on 16th December 2022. b) To recommend that the Mainstream Schools Additional Grant announced by the Department for Education (DfE) are allocated to the School’s Budget in accordance with the conditions of grant (final school level allocations to be confirmed in spring 2023).
Resolved: a) Schools Forum RECOMMENDED that Buckinghamshire Council sets the overall Dedicated Schools Budget at £579.4m in line with the funding allocation announced on 16th December 2022. b) Schools Forum RECOMMENDED that the Mainstream Schools Additional Grant announced by the Department for Education (DfE) are allocated to the School’s Budget in accordance with the conditions of grant (final school level allocations to be confirmed in spring 2023).
Section A Recommendations: a) To agree the allocation of funding to mainstream schools based on the local funding formula for schools agreed in December 2022, updated for the October 2022 census data. b) To agree that the cost of the Minimum Funding Guarantee should be funded through the capping of gains. c) To confirm the criteria for the Growth Fund in 2023-24.
Resolved: a) Schools Forum AGREED the allocation of funding to mainstream schools based on the local funding formula for schools agreed in December 2022, updated for the October 2022 census data. b) Schools Forum AGREED that the cost of the Minimum Funding Guarantee should be funded through the capping of gains. c) Schools Forum CONFIRMED the criteria for the Growth Fund in 2023-24.
Section B Recommendations: a) To agree the Central Schools Service Block budgets for 2023-24 as detailed in Appendix 5.
Resolved: a) Schools Forum AGREED the Central Schools Service Block budgets for 2023-24 as detailed in Appendix 5.
Section C Recommendations: a) To agree the budget for the High Needs Block in 2023-24 to be set at £123.5m and that further discussions to consider the potential shortfall in the high needs budget are held with the DSG Expenditure Review Group prior to the next Schools Forum meeting.
Resolved: a) Schools Forum AGREED the budget for the High Needs Block in 2023-24 to be set at £123.5m and that further discussions to consider the potential shortfall in the high needs budget are held with the DSG Expenditure Review Group prior to the next Schools Forum meeting.
Section D Recommendations: a) To agree the Early Years Single Funding Formula (EYSFF) for 2023-24 as detailed in Option 4 in Appendix 6 of the report.
Resolved: a) Schools Forum AGREED the Early Years Single Funding Formula (EYSFF) for 2023-24 as detailed in Option 4 in Appendix 6 of the report.
AOB Additional documents: Minutes: There were no items of AOB.
Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 21 March 2023- 1.30pm The Oculus, The Gateway, Aylesbury.
Additional documents: Minutes: Tuesday 21 March 2023- 1.30pm The Oculus, The Gateway, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8FF |