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This page lists the meetings for Thames Valley Police and Crime Panel's Complaints Sub-Committee.

No Thames Valley Police and Crime Panel's Complaints Sub-Committee meetings are available for browsing.

Information about Thames Valley Police and Crime Panel's Complaints Sub-Committee

The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Complaints and Misconduct) Regulations 2012 mandated the statutory responsibility for Police and Crime Panels (PCP) to handle non-criminal complaints about the conduct of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and, where appointed, the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner (DPCC).


Conduct in this regard may include but is not limited to actions and omissions, statements or procedures of, or undertaken by the PCC/DPCC, including the way

decisions are taken.


The PCP does not have the power to review the merits of any decisions taken by the PCC/DPCC, only whether the decision was taken properly in accordance with relevant procedures and any statutory requirements.


All complaints made to the PCP should clearly identify where the conduct of the

PCC/DPCC has not met the complainant’s expectations. The published Code of Conduct for the PCC can be accessed on the PCC’s website.


Details of the  Complaints Sub-Committee's Informal Resolution Process (Complaints Procedure).