Agenda item

The Committee will receive an update report on the Climate Change and Air Quality Strategy. The report will also consider how the Strategy is impacting activities across all departments and portfolios within the Council.



Cllr Peter Strachan, Cabinet Member for Climate Change

Cllr Steven Broadbent, Cabinet Member for Transport

Ian Thompson, Corporate Director for Planning, Growth & Sustainability

Steve Bambrick, Service Director for Planning & Environment

Ed Barlow, Interim Head of Climate Change & Environment


The Committee received a report from Councillor P Strachan, Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change, on the Climate Change and Air Quality Strategy. The presentation also included an overview of how the strategy was impacting all departments and portfolios within Buckinghamshire Council. The Strategy had been adopted by Cabinet on 19 October and since then the council had successfully organized its Green Wheels in Motion event on 10 November. A working relationship had been established with Lunaz to recycle vehicles to electric equivalents with a specific focus on the waste fleet.


As part of the Queen’s Green Canopy, 240 trees would be sent to schools and care homes across Buckinghamshire and would be planted as part of National Tree Week (27 November – 5 December). A Roadside Tree Planting Process had been launched whereby residents could request tree planting on road verges. This process was addressing health and safety issues associated with planting by the roadside, ensured the right tree was planted in the right place and maintained during its early years. The Cabinet Member also highlighted how climate change was being addressed across all the council portfolios and services. The next area of priority would be how the council used contracts and procurement to further support its reduced climate change targets.


In response to questions, the following points were noted:-


·         The Council was in the process of replacing the 189 trees that had been funded by the Climate Change budget and had made a medium term financial plan (MTFP) bid to replace unsafe trees on Highways.

·         The Bus Service Improvement Plan, which aimed to improve connectivity, reliability and frequency of the service, had now been submitted to Government. One of the Plan’s ambitions was for bus engines to be upgraded to Euro 5 and Euro 6 standards thereby reducing emissions. The service encouraged operators to improve their fleets and reduce emissions, and did monitor compliance with inspections. The council’s recent agreement with Lunaz for recycle waste collection vehicles may also extend to buses in future.

·         Members asked that consideration be given to ways that the Council demonstrated leading on high standards to address climate change. There was suggestion of an emissions spot check on buses and HGVs within the county as part of an Enforcement Programme.

·         Members also suggested that the legacy webpages relating to energy efficiency for homeowners should be harmonized, updated and simplified to improve accessibility for residents looking to carry out improvements.

·         The details of changes to OZEV charging guidance would not be known until after the New Year but it was hoped changes would allow for increased flexibility of electric vehicle charging point installations at car parks.

·         The Bee Squared project, initially taken up in Hazelmere, was now being considered by a number of Community Boards. The Cabinet Member welcomed the project and encouraged other Community Boards to consider similar schemes depending on their locality. Members also commented that the Natural Environment Partnership (NEP) had carried out an historic bee pollination project in verges and Highways which Community Boards could look to emulate.

·         The success of the NEP’s Bucks Buzzing programme highlighted the importance of communication by encouraging residents to take part.

·         The Bucks Best Kept Village competition was scheduled for next year and would include village conservation as part of its criteria.

·         The Cabinet Member for Transport advised that the council’s first Living Green Bus Shelter was scheduled to open on Bicester Road, Aylesbury, which aimed to encourage pollination and capture particulates.


The Chairman thanked the Cabinet Member for updating the Committee on the Strategy. 

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