Agenda item

Request from Parishes

·       Pinewood Senior Community & Education Outreach Manager position

·       Alderbourne Farm


Update from Pinewood

·       Pinewood West (REO) construction presentation update

·       SHUK planning permission status

·       Five Points Roundabout planning application status




Andrew Smith Corporate Affairs Director, Pinewood Studios, reported the new Community Outreach Officer would hopefully be in post by 14th February and the post holder would be announced in due course.


The presentation started with an image of tree planting in the Ivers to mark the Queen’s platinum jubilee. Councillors and Community Boards were encouraged to help facilitate tree planting.


Jason Turner, Development Manager, Pinewood Studios, gave a presentation on Project Infinity. There are 5 stages under construction across Pinewood West. V & W Stage near the Black Park boundary, X & Y Stage near the Pinewood Road Entrance and Z Stage alongside 007 Stage. Stage V & W started in September 2020 and the building is one large building split into two stages. Cladding and Concrete walls were substantially complete and the roofs are currently being installed. The ancillary buildings around the stages are underway and finishing touches to the inside and Mechanical and Electrical installation still remain. This progress is broadly the same across all of the Project Infinity Stages and  would be ready to use by the end of summer 2022.


During discussion the following points were noted:-

  • A query was raised regarding the permissive path map and if the Pinewood Studios Development Framework (PSDF) referred to the north of the site. The construction of the path had gone out to tender with the expectation for work to start at the end of February /beginning of March. It was expected the path would be ready to use by summer 2022. It was reiterated this would not be a bridle path and the walking path would be made from stone crush located outside of the boundary fence.
  • Concern was raised regarding the proposed permissive path not providing disability access. It was confirmed it was not a planning requirement for the path to be DDA (Disability Discrimination Act) compliant. In addition, the path would need to be significantly changed to allow disability access as there were a change in ground level. During discussion Members agreed a survey of the path could be undertaken and this could be revisited as part of the Seven Hills Roundabout Project as the highway would be widened. Officers raised the point that the permissive path was on private land and consideration as to how making this path DDA complaint would need to fit into the footpath infrastructure as earlier points in the path were unlikely to be accessible for people with disabilities. Revisiting this would significantly delay the project and a bid to the Community Board would need to be made for any additional funding required.
  • During phase 3 residents, last November there were discussions with residents of Pinewood Green regarding the building cladding at the studios. The resident’s main concerns focused on the plan for palisade fencing around the field which would have changed the aesthetics of the area. It was decided the palisade fencing would move inwards towards Pinewood Studios and post and rail fencing would surround this moving outwards to improve the outlook for residents.