Agenda item

Students from Bourne End Academy will provide a presentation on their approach to the environment.


Cllr Sophie Kayani introduced Louise Cowley, Head Teacher, Bourne End Academy (BEA).  L Cowley stated that the Dyson project fitted really well with a couple of BEA’s programmes/societies and that some of the students had elected to be part of the Dyson project.  A couple of students attended the meeting and a video was shown (available on YouTube - which provided an overview of the project and emphasised that air pollution was not only a problem in low income countries but was also a problem in the local area and was a major threat to everyone’s health.   The students from BEA believed the next generation would become the future leaders of the global economy and must be advocates for the future.  One of the students stated that, on a local scale, local authorities could direct more funding towards public transport and an increased number of safe cycle paths.  There could also be vouchers towards bicycles and accessories so that students from less fortunate backgrounds could access the scheme.


The following key points were raised during discussion:


  • It was noted that it was a very interesting project and in response to a query on how the air sampling device would be implemented in engineering terms, L Cowley explained that it had been a six week project with an engineering focus; Dyson had provided the equipment to build the monitoring devices and then the measuring of the air pollution would be carried out.  The students had been working on the prototype and it was agreed that they would present the results to the Community Board (CB) at a later date.

Action:  Makyla Devlin 

  • In response to being asked how the CB could help with encouraging walking or cycling to school to create a safer and cleaner environment; one of the students explained that walking or cycling was a good alternative for those who lived locally but it was not possible for those who lived further away.  One of the members added that the possibility of using Wakeman Road car park was being looked into so that parents did not drop children off so close to the school. 
  • Councillor Wilson asked if the CB could help with a campaign for active travel; Cllr Kayani stated that there was also an eco-society which could work together with the Dyson project.  Cllr Kayani also highlighted the poor bus links to Bourne End which often resulted in students arriving late.
  • Cllr Marshall mentioned the Air Quality Assessment (AQA) project that was being carried out in Marlow and suggested working together with the consultant from Marlow Town Council. 
  • John Laker, Marlow Energy Group, added that the cycle route should be extended to run from the centre of Marlow to the centre of Bourne End.
  • J Laker also asked if Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) levels would be measured.  Cllr Kayani stated she would check with Miss Ali, the project lead, and put Miss Ali in touch Cllr Marshall and J Laker.

Action:  Cllr Kayani

  • The road from the Wooburn Green side was also highlighted as being hazardous for cycling and Ian Blazey, one the teachers from BEA, added that it would be useful to gauge how many students would like to cycle if there was a safe cycle route and asked what could be done to encourage cycling on the main roads and how could the traffic be reduced?  The Chairman advised that the extension of the cycle paths would be challenging and that the CB had looked at the feasibility in the area; however, the Chairman encouraged the students to become involved with the Community Board Transport and Highways action group as people of any age were welcome.
  • Dr Penny Macdonald, a GP from the Marlow Medical Group, commented that the Council’s population health management data showed a spike in respiratory complaints which were cause by poor air quality in the CB area and highlighted that the students had picked up a pertinent issue.  Dr Macdonald asked if the Buckinghamshire Council Public Health team could provide some before and after data to show the impact on people’s health which could be used as a lever to influence more people to use more environmentally friendly methods of transport.  

Action:  Makyla Devlin

The Chairman thanked the students and L Cowley for joining the meeting and emphasised that he welcomed them being involved.  The Chairman also thanked Cllr Kayani for co-ordinating BEA’s attendance; Cllr Kayani invited any interested parties to visit the BEA societies and advised that they would be starting again at the beginning of the summer term.