Agenda item

An overview of the project, supported by South West Chilterns Community Board, will be provided.


John Laker, Marlow Energy Group, provided a presentation, appended to the minutes, which he also recommended may be of interest to the BEA students.  J Laker highlighted the following points:


  • An A5 leaflet had been produced to publicise the thermal imaging project.
  • A publicity event had been held on 5 February 2022 at the Marlow town market.
  • A booking form was available.
  • A camera took images which showed where heat was lost from a property e.g., areas without cavity wall insulation.
  • Information leaflets were sent out with the report providing details of organisations where advice could be sought.
  • Grants and discounts were available and the organisations were listed on the leaflet.
  • Recommended installers were included in the information.
  • £161.19 remained from the grant of £1,000.
  • More people were required to conduct the surveys – if anyone could spare some time contact


J Laker thanked the CB for the grant and the following key points were raised in discussion: 


  • The thermal imagining could only be carried out until the end of March as a differentiation in temperature was required between the inside of the house and the outside temperature.
  • Five ‘trainee’ surveys and a further five ‘actual’ surveys had been carried out and a number of surveys were booked.  The Marlow Energy Group (MEG) was likely to receive further enquiries at the next market and it was anticipated that 30-50 surveys would be completed by the end of March 2022.
  • Cllr Marshall advised he was keen on the institutional buildings being surveyed and asked about the process.  J Laker advised that the form should be completed but stated that the MEG was concentrating on householders this winter and could do institutional buildings next year due to lack of time.
  • It was confirmed that there was no charge for the survey; donations were welcome but not compulsory.
  • Cllr Wilson commended the MEG and asked whether parish councils could take up the offer wherever feasible.  J Laker advised that Great Marlow Parish Council had asked to borrow the camera but the MEG was too busy at the moment; however, it was a perfect example of another organisation who could invest in a camera and would be money well spent.  If the MEG had two cameras, they would need more volunteers.  The Chairman suggested advertising in local magazines for volunteers as he felt the MEG should have a second camera.
  • Cllr David Johncock advised that the legacy Wycombe District Council camera was still available and J Laker agreed to advertise for volunteers in the Marlow Bottom News.
  • Nick Rowcliffe suggested that a loan scheme could be implemented for additional cameras; Cllr Marshall agreed to liaise with N Rowcliffe and J Laker to discuss the logistics e.g., insurance.

Action:  Cllr Marshall


The Chairman thanked J Laker for his attendance and advised he would support the use of extra cameras for the re-start of the programme in October/November, depending on the weather, and asked J Laker to attend a future meeting to provide an update.

Supporting documents: