Agenda item

·       SHUK / Pinewood South

·       Project Infinity

·       Workshop 160 Planning Application

·       PSDF Permissive Path

·       Five Points Roundabout

·       A415 and Fulmer Road Safety

·       Signage



The team at Pinewood were introduced and gave a presentation on the progress from Pinewood which was appended to these minutes.

            The Screen Hub UK planning application was granted by the Secretary of State in April 2022 following completion of  the section 106.

            The presentation highlighted the proposed Screen Hub development zones and feedback from residents highlighted concerns about the visitor attraction aspect. A revised scheme would be explored for Pinewood South. There would be online and in person consultations for interested parties, all the details would be available on Pinewood’s website. The concept plan highlighted the development zones including a north park, 2 visitor attractions and multi-storey car parks.

            The future of Alderbourne Farm was considered including existing buildings and the South backlot. The application included various workshops, parking facilities and the creation of a nature reserve on the north site. This would be open to consultation from the beginning of May.

            Project Infinity, the 5 stages at Pinewood West were progressing well. The cladding on the XY stages had been completed and the ancillary buildings were nearly finished with the electrics being installed. The hard stand buildings were completed and it was conformed the double height ancillary buildings had been designed to look like the existing buildings. The Z Stage construction work was progressing well with an anticipated completion date for the end of August 2022. The levels of construction traffic would decrease as the remaining work was largely the internal infrastructure of the buildings.

            An update on the Workshop 160 planning application was provided. The temporary workshop was in use and the second workshop on site was outside of the PSDF. Buckinghamshire Council were currently considering the new planning application.

            The PSDF Path construction had started with the northern path almost complete. The Southern part of the path would be constructed next. There would be no steps on the path and the path would have a crushed limestone finish. The path was anticipated to open at the end of July 2022. Following discussion at the January meeting the proposed steps for the path have been removed and the path would be accessible for wheelchair users if they were suitable for field terrain.  The top of the path would change following the new alignment. A gate would be installed which would be locked at night following consultation with the residents of Pinewood Green. A requirement of the granted planning permission stated the path would need to be open at all times however, discussions were to take place with Buckinghamshire Council to amend this condition. In regards to field works the design would be amended in phase 3 of the project when a planning application would be re-submitted, the completion for this was anticipated the end of 2022. The water retention of the site was still adequate compared to other options available. The planning consent was for 1.2 million square feet and this was not likely to exceed that.

                       An update on the Five Points Roundabout was provided further information was included in the slides appended to these minutes. Discussion was ongoing between Pinewood and Buckinghamshire Council regarding the signal improvement scheme for the roundabout. A revised scheme is being explored that would result in a reduction of the number of trees removed with a reduction in the junction’s footprint. This would however reduce the capacity at the junction, albeit it was advised that the majority of traffic would pass the lights through the first green light and not wait for more than one set of lights.

                       A Member highlighted the first signal improvement scheme had reduced the hatching area which was a potential safety concern. It was advised this would be considered in the new scheme, which will be subject to a road safety audit. and Concerns were raised from Members that some residents were not in favour of traffic lights, safety issues regarding speeding and drivers late at night failing to stop at red lights. It was confirmed the outside of peaks (during the night) traffic lights would operate full time and would remain on red until a car approached when they would automatically change to green.

            It was advised safety concerns on the A412 had been identified at previous planning committees and were raised with the Cabinet Member for Transport. A Member highlighted a highways officer had looked into fatalities on the A412 and discussions had taken place at Parish Councils to look into financing to address this issue. The Member advised they thought speeding was the prominent issue and speed cameras and ANPR variable cameras were being considered by Thames Valley Police. Pinewood confirmed the Fulmer part of the road had been looked at and if funding could be provided to TVP to administer a speeding camera, Pinewood could finance the installation costs.

                       The Head of Planning and Development highlighted the traffic signals by the PSDF had been discussed over a number of years and were considered the best option. Once a roundabout reaches capacity in the junction hierarchy the only option is to install traffic signals. The signalization of FPR was considered and supported by the planning inspector under PDSF.. In regards to concerns raised about speeding it was confirmed CCTV would be installed with the signals which would be monitored 24 hours a day and could assist TVP with enforcement issues. A Member advised Speed Watch kept records for the Iver area and noticed a significant number of speeding cars beyond the vicinity, therefore average speed cameras might be preferred. It was highlighted Pinewood’s community levy exceeded £3 million with the majority of funds sent to Buckinghamshire Council and a small proportion to Parishes.

            There was a discussion regarding the pedestrian crossing and access to the roundabout.  It was confirmed all approaches to the roundabout would have access to pedestrian crossings and the A412 all spokes on the junction would be 15m behind.

                       There was a lengthy discussion regarding the Five Points Roundabout drainage system. A survey would be conducted on the drainage system and the existing system would need to be fixed as part of the roundabout construction works. The Head of Planning and Development, Buckinghamshire Council confirmed they were awaiting the drainage survey reports in order to liaise with the highways team and Transport for Buckinghamshire to discuss responsibilities for any upgrades needed to deliver the Five Points Roundabout scheme.


A Member raised concerns that residents in Iver were adversely affected by drains and flooding risks. In response it was noted the highways drainage system was separate from household water which was Thames Water’s responsibility. It would be important to raise this point with Transport for Bucks, local Community Boards and the relevant ward Members to discuss funding for the drainage system.

            New signage had been implemented to warn HGV drivers away from driving through Pinewood Green. A Buckinghamshire Council Highways site walk had proved useful highlighting there had only been one sign for Pinewood Studios and the advisory signage had no legal standing. The majority of the proposed new signage had been implemented however, due to a metal shortage the remaining would be erected in the next few weeks. A Member commented they were unsure if the signage had reduced number of vehicles using Pinewood Green. In response it was advised the signage was to deter HGV vehicles using that route and there was no legal basis to stop the public driving this way.

            A Member queried the current status of the Seven Hills Road as this scheme was approved by the Council 18 months ago. It was confirmed this would be developed as part of Screen Hub UK. The timescales for delivery of the Seven Hills Road scheme would be agreed prior to the commencement of the Screen Hub, with Pinewood being required to submit information to show the floor space that would trigger the need for this infrastructure.  It was anticipated more information on the implementation of Seven Hills Road would be available by the start of next year. The road would take roughly 12 months to construct however a large proportion of works would be constructed off line.

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