Agenda item


Construction of two storey rear extension to lower ground and ground floor with associated alterations and alterations to roof in connection with conversion of existing RAF Association Club to form 7 x 1-bed flats (with 4 x parking spaces, bicycle storage and refuse facilities), plus construction of detached single storey building for wider community use at rear (part retrospective).


This application was the subject of a site visit.


Members voted in favour of the motion to refuse the application for the following reasons:


1.        In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, the principle of residential development is not acceptable. The existing building is a designated asset of community value. The loss of an asset of community value will only be considered acceptable if a community needs assessment for the building has been undertaken and where it can be demonstrated that the need for a community asset/facility no longer exists in this location. No such assessment has been submitted with the application and, whilst a replacement community facility has been included as part of the development proposal, insufficient evidence has been submitted to demonstrate that the new building, which is smaller in scale than existing facility, would off-set the loss of the existing asset of community value. The proposal is therefore in conflict with the aims and objectives of policy DM29 of the Adopted Wycombe District Local Plan (August 2019), the Community Facilities SPD (October 2011) and the Community Facilities Strategy - May 2009 (updated August 2011 and March 2014).

2.        In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, the works already undertaken have resulted in unduly dominant additions to the existing building, failing to be subservient to the existing property.  Together with the new building, which would also be constructed on site as part of this scheme, the overall proposal would represent an overdevelopment of the site.  As such, the development would appear incongruous and be harmful to the character and appearance of the area.  This conflicts with policies DM35 and DM36 of the Adopted Local Plan and the Householder Planning and design guidance SPD.

3.        In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, the proposed increase in bulk of the rear extension, by virtue of its height, depth and siting in relation to the neighbouring property would be unduly overbearing in appearance.  The additional flank windows and balconies would cause a loss of privacy to neighbours. Moreover, the introduction of a new community building would further increase activity on site, which in combination with the use of the flats, would create noise and disturbance for the neighbouring residents. As such the proposal would be detrimental to the amenities of the occupants of the neighbouring properties and conflicts with Policies DM36 of the Adopted Local Plan and the Householder Planning and design guidance SPD.


Speaking as Ward Councillors: Councillors T Green, A Hussain and S Raja

Speaking in objection: Mr S Head

Speaking on behalf of the applicant: Mr E Munir


It was proposed by Councillor P Turner and seconded by Councillor C Oliver.


            Resolved: that the application be refused for the reasons given above.


Councillor S Raja left the Chamber for the debate and voting on the item having first spoken as Ward Member.

Supporting documents: