Agenda item

To consider item 15


The Chairman advised Members that this was a review of progress made over the second year of the five-year Corporate Plan that this Authority approved at the Annual Meeting in June 2020. Progress during the first year and a year two refresh was approved at last year’s Annual Meeting. Also, in light of progress made, officers had taken the opportunity to refresh the programme of activities that would be undertaken over the remaining three years of the plan in pursuit of Its Strategic Objectives. Given that the Authority continued to face a very uncertain outlook, officers would keep the plan under active review to enable the Authority to respond to changes to its strategic context and report back as often as conditions require.


The Corporate Planning Manager advised Members that this item was structured in two parts and for each item of the refreshed plan a report had been provided which showed what had been completed during the second year of the plan and a status report for the remaining items using the RAG system. Of the 22 projects and workstreams set out in the plan, three had been completed and were now embedded in ongoing ‘business as usual’. None were at red RAG status; seven were at amber and there were two without a RAG Status, as they were not due to start during the second year of the plan (these related to the preparation of the next PSP which would cover the period 2025–30).


The Corporate Planning Manager advised Members, that Appendix 1 contained the updated programme of activities that would be progressed over the remaining three years of the plan and also who would be responsible for driving each aspect of the programme forward at Senior Management Team level, and who was leading on delivery of the groundwork. Members were asked to note two new items relating to the Protection Objectives replacing those that were completed during year two of the Plan. The document had also been updated to reflect the latest financial projections that were reported to the Authority in February.


The Corporate Planning Manager advised Members that in his introduction, the Chairman mentioned the need to keep the Plan under active review given the uncertainties associated with the future outlook. Members would have seen a range of risks that could potentially impede progress with delivery of the plan. Also, there were potential implications for the Authority arising from the Government’s proposals set out in the Home Office White Paper Consultation document.


A Member proposed that ‘the environment’ be included on the Corporate Plan.

The Corporate Planning Manager advised that the environment was on the Public Safety Plan, and also some elements of it were in the Corporate Plan and also the Authority had approved an Environment and Climate Action Plan.


The Director of Finance and Assets advised that there were a number of activities in the Environment and Climate Action Plan, that would be focused upon over the next four to five years and these could be referenced in the Corporate Plan.


A Member asked that with regard to unexpected financial pressures, inflation was not referenced, and should the rate of inflation be identified.


The Director of Finance and Assets advised that it had not been included specifically as there were so many general pressures. In terms of the individual inflation rate for the Authority, a survey had been designed for the whole sector by the National Fire Chief Council Finance Committee, and as part of that, officers would be working out the Authority’s individual rate of inflation.


A Member asked how relevant the Corporate Plan was going back two or three years, in light of the recent HMICFRS Inspection recommendations, what changes would need to be made and would it require a new plan or just amendments to the current plan.


The Chairman advised that the plan had been refreshed to respond to the questions raised in the HMICFRS report.  Along with the work on the environmental element, if the report were brought back to the next meeting, Members could then decide whether to start the process of looking at a new Corporate Plan or amend the current plan further.


The Chairman asked if the Corporate Planning Manager could draw to Members attention the action he was most concerned about progress on and also, with regard to the actions being taken, what impact would the actions have on the outcome measures, so it was really clear the actions were having the impact required.


The Chairman asked if this could become a regular standing agenda item to get an update on progress against outcome measures and the trends to see how successful the plan was.


The Corporate Planning Manager advised Members that SE1.1 ‘supported by workforce planning, development and roll-out of more flexible & innovative employment propositions, which are attractive and competitive and result in the best people being recruited’ although at green rag status, the treatment and retention of staff was absolutely key, without the people there wouldn’t be a plan, and that was the action he wanted to draw Members attention to.


It being proposed and seconded it was:




1.                  That the 2020-2025 Corporate Plan Progress Review and Update be noted by the Authority.

2.                  That a further review of the Corporate Plan be undertaken to integrate elements of the Public Safety Plan and the Environment and Climate Action Plan in respect of climate change and the HMICFRS actions to be presented at the next meeting.

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