Agenda item

- Highways & Infrastructure: Notes 8 June 2022

- Wellbeing: Notes 25 May 2022

- Improving Our Environment: Notes 4 May 2022


a)      Infrastructure & Highways


Councillor Ralph Bagge updated the Community Board on the Infrastructure and Highways action group. He thanked Councillor George Sandy for chairing the previous meeting on Wednesday 8 June 2022. Members were informed of the following points:

·       Costings provided by Transport for Bucks (TfB) for schemes and recommendations proposed for next year. This included Mobile Vehicle Activated Signs (MVAS) for Dorney Parish Council and Taplow Parish Council, which has been recommended for funding and had been circulated to board members for decision.


·       Transport for Bucks (TfB) had reported an increase in material costs and that it could not deliver some projects against its initial costing forecast. TfB had been in discussion with the board regarding covering additional expenditure so the projects can proceed.


·       Changes to the scheme for highways projects next year. The contract with TfB was ending and a new framework would be in place from April 2023. As such, TfB would not be progressing pending schemes, as these would be delivered under a new contractor. New projects would not be started until the new contract is in place, however it was confirmed that the board was still able to approve projects but costings may be reviewed next year.


In the discussion that followed, the below points were raised:

·       Councillor George Sandy recalled an initiative in the early 90s to collect funds from residents of Taplow village for traffic calming schemes. It was decided that 2 of the 3 speed bumps would not be installed and so residents were eligible for a partial refund. It was suggested that the remaining funds not issued in refunds could be used towards MVAS in Taplow.


·       Members requested an update on the status of projects and an indication of projects that had gone over the initial costings. Councillor Dev Dhillon emphasised the importance of completing schemes within a timely manner to avoid cost increases.


·       Members were informed of the implementation of a RAG (Red-Amber-Green) rating for projects, with green being projects TfB were confident in completing in 2022. Projects categorised as green included the dropped curbs in Lincoln Hatched Lane, Burnham and Templewood Lane, Farnham Common. Both projects mentioned had increased costs, which were with Parish Councils for consideration. Amber projects included the Blackpond Lane, Farnham Common footway extension, due to additional costs of £31,000. Red projects included Rogers Lane, Stoke Poges waiting restrictions, indicating that TfB may not be able to deliver the project before April 2023 due to issues with traffic regulation orders.


·       Concern was raised over the breakdown of costs. It was confirmed that the current supplier was endorsed by Buckinghamshire Council and had been checked to be competitive.


·       Jill Dax, Chair of Dorney Parish Council, enquired into the installation of 2 posts. It was agreed that a breakdown of costs for the initial quote would be looked into and to explore an alternative supplier for installation.


·       The possibility of a funding roll-over due to projects put on hold.


·       Richard Western-Kaye, Snowball Farm, raised concerns of speeding on the southern end of Dropmore Road, connecting to Dorney Wood Road. It was advised that the issue be raised with the Parish Council, who could work with the Board to explore options. John Carey, Burnham Parish Council, highlighted the issue of enforcement. The matter would be passed to the Infrastructure and Highways action group for consideration.


b)      Wellbeing


Councillor George Sandy presented the update for the Wellbeing action group. The following points were raised:

·       How the Board could support partners and local groups to help improve the lives and life chances of young people, particularly those not already engaging with existing services and activities such as Scouts and Brownies. It was noted that the Community Youth Ventures mobile outreach unit would be available during the summer holidays on the 24th, 25th, and 26th of August.


·       Carol Linton, Burnham Parish Council, expressed concern over the Burnham Health Promotion Trust being unable to lease the local community centre to relieve pressure on the health centre and support “Care & Share”.


c)      Improving Our Environment


Councillor Dev Dhillon presented an update for the Improving Our Environment action group. Members noted the following:

·       The Burnham Parish Council application for water fountains had been withdrawn.


·       The Eco Audit was expected to cost Burnham Parish Council roughly £4,340 and Taplow Parish Council £1,900. It was expected that combining the projects could help lower the cost.


·       To encourage litter picking activities, equipment such as litter pickers and gloves would be donated to Burnham Parish Council and Lent Rise School from the Welcome Back Fund. These would be available for community use.


·       Councillor Dev Dhillon encouraged members of the community to attend future meetings to help give feedback on how to improve the environment.



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