Agenda item

To be presented by Michelle Parker, Buckinghamshire Council


The Community Board Manager provided an overview of funding that had been awarded so far in 2022/23.  It also detailed the budget position to date for:

-                      Approved Funding Applications for 2022/23

-                      Small grants applications, noting that these did not require contributory funding.

-                      Projects on hold (Stoke Mandeville PC White Village Gates).

-                      Pre-applications discussions, which included Bierton Play Park Refurbishment, Kingsbrook Garden Maintenance Electronic Vehicle, Wendover Men’s Shed – Solar Lighting, Bierton Tennis Club – Resurfacing of courts, Wendover Football Club – Refurbishment of Club Hut, and Wendover Parking Review.

-                      Project funding information for 2020/21 and 2021/22 (historical).


A copy of the funding information is attached to the Minutes.


The meeting was informed that applications over £1K would require contributory funding however this did not have to be a 50/50 split.  The small grants application process was now available at: Apply for Community Board small grant funding | Buckinghamshire Council.  The current budgetary position was:





Remaining Budget






The following issues were discussed:

-                      An explanation was given of the new highways contracts that would be in place from April 2023 for maintaining and Improving roads in the county.  This was also covered in the Corporate Update later in the agenda, including that of the 58 projects that had been agreed and funded committed but were yet to be completed by the outgoing contractor (TfB):

o        22 projects were rated Green and scheduled to be completed by the end of March 2023.

o        10 projects were rated Amber and would be delivered to a gateway stage ready for the new contractor to take forward, e.g. design, feasibility.

o        26 projects were rated Red and under review, and may not be started at all because of their complexity or the time to implement overlaps with the change in Highway’s service provider.

-                      That the maximum grant for an individual funding application was £15K.  It was acknowledged that some of pre-application discussions such as the resurfacing of tennis courts would be expensive and would require the applicant to provide more funding.  It was expected that some funding would be available for 2022/23 Funding Application Round 3.  If this was not possible then it may be possible to signpost applicants to other funding streams.

-                      Advice was provided on the procedural arrangements to progress a traffic calming scheme for Buckland.

-                      It was explained that one of the primary roles of Community Boards was to capture local views on issues such as traffic calming so that they could then be Minuted and communicated to the Cabinet Member and Council officers.

-                      That further discussions on the Buckland Wharf petition would be arranged following the Community Board meeting and this matter then reported back.  The Chairman did not intend to discuss it further at agenda item number 8.  It was mentioned that the petitions on Thorne Way and Buckland Wharf had been amalgamated.

-                      A Parish Councillor mentioned that she had contacted TfB and the Council on a number of occasions over the last 3 months to discuss Buckland Wharf traffic calming but had not been contacted or received any responses.


The report also included information on the new approach to funding for the Board.  Funding had previously been allocated on a first come, first served basis, but it had been agreed at the last meeting to have deadlines and then subsequently meetings to discuss these applications, including the possibility of applicant(s) attending these meetings.  The funding cycles were:


2022/23 Funding Application Round 1

Deadline for applications: Friday 19 August 2022

Formal decision meeting: W/C 26 September 2022


2022/23 Funding Application Round 2

Deadline for applications: Friday 18 October 2022

Formal decision meeting: W/C 28 November 2022


2022/23 Funding Application Round 3

Deadline for applications: Friday 25 November 2022

Formal decision meeting: 9 January 2023




That the funding Update and current budgetary position be NOTED.

Supporting documents: