Agenda item

To consider item 14


(Councillor Lambert re-joined the meeting)


The Lead Member for People, Equality and Diversity and Assurance  introduced the report and advised Members this was a year two update of a five year Strategy.

The Station Commander HR Projects advised Members that the People Strategy 2020-25 was required to be reviewed and an annual update presented to the Authority. On 13 October 2021 the Authority approved the People Strategy employee engagement roadshow as part of the People Strategy - Year One Review. These sessions were completed within the planned timescales and achieved the objective of raising the profile of the Service’s People Strategy. The information was delivered through a range of methods including face to face presentations, virtual sessions and through information factsheets which were published on the Service’s intranet and promoted to harder to reach part-time employees.


The Station Commander HR Projects advised Members there were a range of workstreams which support the five key areas identified in the Strategy. These were being delivered with a focus on addressing areas for improvement or causes for concern in the People Section of the HMICFRS inspection report. Key areas to note were, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, there had been a renewed approach to community engagement following the impact of the global pandemic. The Service had resumed a wide range of public facing activities, delivering new methods of engagement and interaction within its communities.


Employee Engagement, the Service had worked to understand and address key points raised in the Culture Survey which was completed in January 2022. The introduction of the ‘feedback loop’ had allowed employees to better understand the process of affecting organisational change. This was achieved by delivering Service-wide listening workshops and providing timely updates on key themes identified. Organisational Development and Resourcing - Delivery of the Leadership and Management Development Programme (LMDP). This had provided a measurable level of leadership training and knowledge across all levels of the Service’s management structure, giving its leaders the knowledge and empowerment required to manage more effectively. Training, Learning and Development, there has been a significant commitment to delivering a range of wholetime recruitment, transferee and On-Call firefighter courses, supporting the Service’s strategic objective of increasing the operational establishment. Employee Health and Wellbeing, the Service’s Mental Wellbeing Support Network has been reviewed and updated, providing a robust support structure across the Service. 37 Mental Health Champions had been trained to provide a range of support to employees.

The Station Commander HR Projects advised Members that the report identified objectives for Year three of the Strategy. These objectives would allow the Service to measure and record progress made in each key area, identify new opportunities to develop the People Strategy, and improve how it supported and developed both existing and future employees.


A Member asked when attending events such as MK Pride, although this was about increasing equality, diversity and inclusion, was it also used as an opportunity for recruitment.


The Station Commander HR Projects advised that the challenge was identifying whether the Service wanted to engage with the event or to recruit. The Service undertook a wide range of recruitment activities, on call awareness days, have a go days, open days, and the recruitment team attended apprenticeship shows and visited schools. Part of the challenge was making sure that people could access recruitment information at any time. 


A Member asked if there were any plans for investment at High Wycombe Fire Station.


The Director of Finance and Assets advised that in terms of High Wycombe Fire Station, it was probably the station that needed the most investment. It hadn’t been invested in for a number of years, mainly due to discussions with the District Council about the long term viability of the site and whether it needed to be moved or not. A condition survey had been undertaken and identified there was a need for £500k worth of investment, which was programmed over the next couple of years, as part of the upcoming Property Strategy that would come to Members.


The Acting Chief Fire Officer advised Members that regarding supporting its staff, the Service had engaged with both Buckinghamshire Council and Milton Keynes Council looking at the programmes they were putting in place to support their staff, the Service would ensure it provided the best support possible for its staff during these difficult times.


The Head of Human Resources advised Members that in terms of staff wellbeing, staff had access to occupational health, articles had been written on financial wellbeing, there was a Welfare Officer, employee assistance programme and the Firefighters Charity.


The Chairman asked to what extent the Government Apprenticeship Levy was being utilised by the Service.


The Head of Human Resources confirmed the apprenticeship levy was fully utilised, for operational and non-operational roles. An annual report had been presented to the Executive Committee.


The Acting Deputy Chief Fire Officer advised he would come back to Members with a more detailed report on how the Service was progressing with the apprenticeship framework, and its successes.




That the contents of this update and progress made in the key areas are noted.

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