Agenda item


·         Five Points Roundabout

·         New trees and ecology

·         Bike racks


The team at Pinewood Studios were introduced and gave a presentation on the progress from Pinewood which was appended to these minutes.


The following points were highlighted:


PDSF development updates- Five Points Roundabout

  • The application for Five Points Roundabout would be determined at the Strategic Sites meeting in February or March.
  • The procurement process was underway by Pinewood and would be subject to detailed design as specified by s278. If permission is approved, it was anticipated construction would commence summer or autumn 2023.
  • It was highlighted the map on the presentation provided an overview with the shaded boxes showing more detailed drawings.
  • It was anticipated the work would take nine to twelve months to complete. Traffic management and road diversions would be agreed as part of the s218 agreement.
  • It was highlighted ward Members would be included alongside interested parties and Council officers to liaise about traffic management.
  • Discussions were ongoing with the Cabinet Member for Transport and the capital management team assessing options. There was the potential to undertake essential drainage works during the roundabout construction.
  • It was highlighted the community would be updated during the project and advised of highways disruption. A Member requested social media communication to explain to residents the different stages of the project. There would be a stakeholder group which would meet frequently with Members allowing information to be disseminated to the wider community. A dedicated email address for residents to report any issues was discussed and the importance of informing residents of any changes to the schedule. In addition, the contractor would provide an onsite lead to liaise with local residents.


Community Matters under PSDF

  • Cycles racks were installed to support the use of the shuttle bus which is offered free for local residents.
  • As part of the S106 agreement Pinewood Studios offer National Film and Television School bursaries for local young people within a five-mile radius. The fifth scholarship had been awarded the £15,000 sponsorship. Local community groups were encouraged to promote the bursary and the success of sponsored NTFS students.
  • There was a discussion regarding the shuttle bus provided by Pinewood Studios. It was highlighted the shuttle bus route was directed by the S106 agreement. There were 700-800 free passes issued to residents within a two-mile radius of the studios. There was a request for the shuttle bus to stop at Iver Station however, it was highlighted there was not currently a safe space for buses to stop at the station. It was also highlighted if the current planning application was approved a cycle route would run from Pinewood Studios to Iver Station. It was noted the shuttle bus services Pinewood Studios, Slough, Uxbridge and Gerrads Cross Station however, it was not a hop on hop off service.

The Futures Festival was hosted by Pinewood Studios in November 2022 and welcomed over 3,700 students for an immersive event to inspire and educate young people about the filmmaking industry. Twenty-three schools and colleges across Buckinghamshire attended and students were able to meet industry professionals and take part in workshops. It was hoped there would be a better uptake from schools at future events. Community groups and resident societies were encouraged to promote the event to residents.

Supporting documents: