Agenda item

To consider item 13


The Group Commander Technical advised Members that the Grenfell Tower Inquiry report outlined the progress that had and was currently being made in response to the tragedy which took place on 14 June 2017.  This six-monthly update was the fourth iteration since the work began to address the recommendations captured in the Phase 1 report. The report reflected the transparent approach undertaken by each part of the Service to action the improvements that needed to be made following the publication. The report provided an overview of activity across response, prevention, protection and operational assurance and training. Following the conclusion of Phase 1 of the Inquiry, there were 46 recommendations made that the Service had incorporated into an improvement plan.  This plan was coordinated through the Technical Team and sponsored by the Head of Protection and Assurance. 


The Group Commander Technical advised Members that of the 46 recommendations, to date, the Service had been able to complete 18 and had made some significant progress with 28. The introduction of legislation and the completion of assurance exercises through the Thames Valley Fire Control Service (TVFCS), would complete the majority of the outstanding recommendations. Of the 28 in progress, 18 were reliant on the publication of National Guidance or the introduction of legislation. The primary responsibility for five was with TVFCS, embedding Fire Survival Guidance (FSG) policy and assuring call handling processes and training for Control room staff. The Service had primary responsibility to deliver the remaining five, three related directly to the introduction of new technology and communications software to enhance incident command support and the management of risk critical information and two required assurance through a confirmation of knowledge process of firefighters, knowledge of building construction and external wall cladding fires confirmation of risks.


The Inquiry had now concluded hearings for the eight Phase 2 modules and the Inquiry Panel were in the process of preparing the final report. It was anticipated that there would be additional recommendations for fire and rescue services to review and action once the Phase 2 report was published.


A Member asked for more information on the Central Funding (Section 8).

The Director of Finance and Assets advised that this was the first tranche of funding to meet the initial recommendations coming out of the report. There was further work ongoing around the building safety regulator, how the work to address all high risk premises could be funded. It would initially be through further government grant, and eventually it would be through recharges. Developers were picking up inspections, and that would be phased in over the next two to three years. If there was initial funding, there would be a longer term solution put in place, to ensure all buildings were safe.


A Member asked although it was well out of the Authority’s control, implementation of the fire safety upgrades was not actually occurring in many of the tower blocks, because of the confusion about who was to pay. Was this putting additional pressure on the Service in terms of regular inspections, ensuring there were additional resources in case there was an incident in some of those tower blocks.


The Head of Protection, Assurance and Development advised Members that a separate, more details report around the specific elements of the fire safety order and the protection elements around the outcomes from the Grenfell Tower inquiry would be coming to the Fire Authority meeting on 7 December and would cover these questions raised.




That the report is noted.

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