Agenda item


The following hot topics were reported:-


The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing reported that there were significant pressures on the NHS both nationally and locally. Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust declared a critical incident on 30 December 2022. Despite that health and social care had worked hard and managed to discharge 65 patients who were medically fit for discharge to free up beds for other incoming patients. However, the system remained extremely challenged and different options were being looked at for patient flow. Councillors were being updated on a regular basis.


The Cabinet Member for Accessible Housing and Resources reported that there had been an issue with the Council’s phone lines which had been out of order a couple of times. This was a nationwide issue with the telephony system being used and other local authorities were affected. A message had been put on the website about using the contact us forms on the internet. The Leader emphasised that this was a serious issue which would be addressed with the telephony operator.


The Cabinet Member for Transport emphasised the importance of reporting potholes on Fix My Street particularly due to the recent cold weather and then wet weather which caused layers of the road surface to break up. Potholes would be prioritised in categories according to safety issues and some repairs would be temporary. Potholes were being repaired at every opportunity depending on the weather. He also informed Cabinet Members that the service area were three quarters of the way through the gully cleansing programme.


The Cabinet Member for Planning and Regeneration reported on the recent Planning Inquiry on Sunset Park Homes, Biddlesden as the Council had received the Inspector’s decision for the intensification of the gyspy and traveller site. This was a complicated case as it involved 21 separate appeals each looking to intensify occupancy of the approved plots. The case appeared to hinge on the needs assessment for the County and disappointly the Inspector concluded that there was an overriding need for more plots and allowed each of the appeals. The sites that have been permitted would be restricted in occupancy to members of the gypsy and traveller community. This appeal had only been issued recently and the Council was still considering the report and any further action that might be taken.


The second Inquiry was Beeches Park, Beaconsfield for 450 residential properties which was refused at appeal by the Planning Inspectorate. This had been refused previously at South Bucks Area Planning Committee. The Planning Inspectorate upheld the Council’s decision that it was inappropriate development and would have caused substantial harm to the green belt. 500 letters had been received objecting to this application.


The Cabinet Member was also pleased to report that last year there had been 128 enforcement actions and that Buckinghamshire Council’s enforcement team was one of the strongest and busiest of all local authorities. Cabinet Members congratulated the team on their work.


The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure reported on the success of the pantomimes held in Buckinghamshire. He also referred to an event in Higginson Park, Marlow where there had been damage to the grassed area. The organisers had agreed to repair the area and pay for new grass. The Service Area was undertaking a survey on the Visitor Economy in order to develop a Strategy that identified a collective vision of what Buckinghamshire should strive for to optimise the benefits of tourism and leisure. The deadline for the survey was 17 February 2023.


The Deputy Cabinet Member for Community Safety reported on a new Domestic Abuse Service Contract which had been given to Aylesbury Women’s Aid who were the current service provider for five years (three years plus one plus one). The total value of the contract was £3.6 million.